Senin, 06 Februari 2012

[smf_addin] Digest Number 2106

Messages In This Digest (4 Messages)



Re: RCHGetHTMLTable - big safe dividends

Posted by: "Randy Harmelink"   rharmelink

Sun Feb 5, 2012 8:38 pm (PST)

The best thing to do is to find a unique search term just before the table,
or within the table headers. You can't rely on something like that to
always being the 47th table on the page. If they add or delete an
advertisement, it can easily change the number of tables on the page.

For this web page, I think the easiest, is to pick up one of the headers
BEFORE the table:


However, note the "printer friendly" link. I think that is the easiest
place to extract the table, since it only has the one table on the page:


On Sun, Feb 5, 2012 at 9:06 PM, hashky <> wrote:

> Once again I am baffled by this function.
> I am trying to get this table.
> I am logged in, which is free BTW.
> I am using
> =RCHGetHTMLTable("","Big
> Safe Dividends",47,"",47,)
> I got it. But the only way I know to do it is trial and error. Going one
> at a time took me a long time to get to 47. I found it first by using
> "Click" and 41 tries.
> =RCHGetHTMLTable("
> ","Click",41,"",41,)
> Is there some easy way to count <TABLE tags? My HTML is zippo.

Re: RCHGetHTMLTable - big safe dividends

Posted by: "Mike McQuaid"   mikemcq802

Sun Feb 5, 2012 8:40 pm (PST)

Well, if you can't read HTML at all it's hard to provide parameters that
tell SMF where to look in the HTML to find something - as you've discovered.

But, reading HTML isn't that hard. Just use your browser's "View Source"
command to see the html source (Firefox and IE just right-click).

Then, use the browser Find command to locate the text you are interested in
retrieving (or just scroll till you see it). Then, look for unique text
that appears just before that and use that unique text as the Find string
for your RCH parameter.

In your case, you used "Big Safe Dividends" which happens to be in the title
of the page - which is no where near the table data you actually wanted.

Had you used the string "panel1" instead your iteration count would have
been 1.

=RCHGetHTMLTable(" <>","panel1",1,"",1,)

Perhaps if you look at the html source for this page with this in mind you
can see how it all fits together better.


From: [] On Behalf
Of hashky
Sent: Sunday, February 05, 2012 11:07 PM
Subject: [smf_addin] RCHGetHTMLTable - big safe dividends

Randy -

Once again I am baffled by this function.

I am trying to get this table.

I am logged in, which is free BTW.

I am using

Safe Dividends",47,"",47,)

I got it. But the only way I know to do it is trial and error. Going one at
a time took me a long time to get to 47. I found it first by using "Click"
and 41 tries.


Is there some easy way to count <TABLE tags? My HTML is zippo.

Ron Spruell


Re: Is yahoo VOLUME split-adjusted?

Posted by: "Randy Harmelink"   rharmelink

Sun Feb 5, 2012 8:41 pm (PST) may not go back far enough. For example, on MMM, it lists only
one split, in 2003. But the Yahoo "basic chart" page for MMM shows four
splits, going back to 1972.

On Sun, Feb 5, 2012 at 9:25 PM, Mike McQuaid <> wrote:

> **
> Yes, you certainly could. Or, you could retrieve split info and manually
> adjust Yahoo's historical "raw close". seems to have pretty
> good split info. Example:

quotes-plus replacement, fundamental data, local database

Posted by: "leif_85"   leif_85

Mon Feb 6, 2012 12:16 am (PST)

Hi pharnesbe,

you sent a very interesting list of offers, which I did not yet completely evaluate.
It seems that XLQ with AAII might even be better than Quotes Plus has been. AAII table of fundamental issues is outright impressive and subscription is cheap. Dont miss XLQ's video of a spreadsheet holding an AAII application. All the videos are worth while viewing. The product comes with sample worksheets for AAII, which could be very valuable. XLQ can setup a local database as far as I understand.
In the faq they discuss Excel versions, which should be used.

On the other hand smf_addin might offer the same functionality. I would be very interested to view sample worksheets of this one, especially using AAII data.

Of course I shall post again, when I tested smf_addin and XLQ respectively.



--- In, "pharnsbe" <harnsberger@...> wrote:
> Hi Leif,
> I am also in the ongoing process of finding a replacement to Quotes-Plus. I've sent dozens of emails to many different vendors... many of whom have part of the solution but none have it all.
> For fundamental data (which seems more difficult to come by) it's looking like XLQ with AAII might work ( Requires a subscription to AAII. (
> Reuters Datalink also might be a good solution, but I haven't tried it yet and their sales team didn't know if they had excel connectivity.
> Their more expensive real-time feed (QuoteCenter) definitely has excel abilities, but I don't think the data is stored locally.
> Here are the data fields (
> High Growth Stock Investor (HGSI) ( Used to be powered by quotes-plus but has since built their own database. Not sure how their data is stored but if it is in metastock format or ACSII then the smf_addin might be able to read it into excel. Also HGSI said they are planning on building an Excel addin in the next 6 months.
> If you end up testing any of these please post your experience here, I'd be interested in hearing about any solutions you find.

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