Selasa, 08 November 2011

[ExcelVBA] Re: extracting date display


Hi Andy,

Try using the Format() function. Try with this example code.

Sub test()

' Extract date, month and year

sDate = Cells(1, 1)

'comment out this line and try adding date to cell A1
sDate = "07/10/2011"

sExtractDD = Format(sDate, "dd") 'date as 2 digits
sExtractD = Format(sDate, "d") 'date as 1 digit
sExtractMM = Format(sDate, "mm") 'month as number
sExtractMMM = Format(sDate, "mmm") 'month as 3 letters
sExtractMMMM = Format(sDate, "mmmm") 'month as full name
sExtractYYYY = Format(sDate, "yyyy") 'year as 4 digits
sExtractYY = Format(sDate, "yy") 'year as 2 digits

'mixed output results
Debug.Print sExtractDD
Debug.Print sExtractMM
Debug.Print sExtractYYYY
Debug.Print sExtractD
Debug.Print sExtractMMM
Debug.Print sExtractYY
Debug.Print sExtractDD
Debug.Print sExtractMMMM
Debug.Print sExtractYYYY
Debug.Print "--"

End Sub

Good luck, Otto

--- In, "andycoulthart" <andycoulthart@...> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to extract part of a date (as it's displayed) but can only access the underlying Excel number code.
> On a worksheet I enter =Date() in a cell formatted as mm/dd/yyyy (displayed as 10/27/2011).
> I now try to extract the day (27) as the number 27.
> I've tried Mid, Left etc and Paste Special but these only return part of the date code and also tried formatting cells as text - to no avail.
> Is there a macro I can write which can achieve this?
> Many thanks,
> Andy

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