Sabtu, 23 Juli 2016

[smf_addin] Digest Number 3751

2 Messages

Digest #3751


Fri Jul 22, 2016 9:05 am (PDT) . Posted by:


FWIW. I run Win 10 and Excel 2010 (and also 2016)
my .xla is in C:/SMF Add-In where it has always been
When I add = RCHGetElementNumber("Version") to a cell in an existing workbook:
For Excel 2010: I get the #Name error until I uncheck, exit, and recheck "options/Add-Ins/Go/Stock Market Functions Add-In. then it works properly.
For Excel 2016 (latest version); I do NOT get the #Name error. It works as it should and has aways.

In summary, the OLDER version (2010) needed a "reset" (see above) but the NEWER 2016 did not.

Pete A

Fri Jul 22, 2016 10:50 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"Sill. Micheal" futants46and2

I followed all the steps, and =RCHGetElementNumber("Version") works on all my sheets.
This is what I do for the arrayed "RCHGElementNumber" sheet I have.For testing since after the microsoft secuirty snafu, first  I open the template "SMFUpdateDownloadTable"-sample and run "SMHUpdateDownloadTable" macro that works and pulls all the data.Then I open my larger arrayed "RCHGElementNumber" and run "SMHUpdateDownloadTable" the processing gets stuck on 1. The formula I'm using is just the  "SMFUpdateDownloadTable"-sample as a framework for my larger sheet, with the macro's "MODgetelementnumber" am I using the wrong module? Things went a bit haywire after the microsoft security change and I could've swapped out the module I was using- which module is in use for "SMFUpdateDownloadTable"-sample?
On Friday, July 22, 2016 12:58 AM, "Randy Harmelink [smf_addin]" <> wrote:

  On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 9:31 PM, futants46and2@​...wrote:

 I deleted SMF  in the "program file" directory, and it works now from "C:/SMF.."

​Does that mean you went thru all 14 steps, and that once you save a workbook, that workbook opens without location errors?​
However I am still getting compile errors when trying to pull an "RCHgetelement" array or single, I can pull other RCH such as "RCHGetYahooQuotes" on the same sheet with no issue.

​I can't think of an array version of RCHGetElementNumber(). What do you get with:


...or doesn't that work either?​
And when I can fire the array from "SMF UpdateDownloadTable" it gets stuck on the first ticker, and freezes

Where is it freezing? What "formula" is being used for that column?​
The SMF I'm using is from 2.1.2016 and the hotkey was working well until the recent microsoft security snafu.

​Some others have reported the hotkey not working. Mine hasn't worked for some time. One of the others was using a 2014 version of the add-in, so I assumed they lost it about the same time I did.​
---In, <rharmelink@...> wrote :

My assumption at the moment is that the problem is that the MicroSoft security update is stopping the EXCEL start-up process from loading any add-in that is within the "Program Files" folder.

Here's what I would try to verify that, if I was having the problem here:

1. Create a new folder, "C:/SMF add-in" (that's my new default, so all new templates on the web site use it),
2. Extract the ZIP archive there.
3. Open EXCEL
4. Try:

= RCHGetElementNumber("Version") see it it works. If it doesn't, that tells me that the new MS security update is preventing the add-in from loading on startup (I'm assuming it's in a "Program Files" folder, and that's what is causing the problem).

5. Go into the add-in manager, change the add-in to point to the one in the "C:/SMF add-in" folder.
6. Try step (4) again to confirm it's using the new location.
7. Open up a small worksheet that has the location problem.
8. Run smfFixLinks to correct the location errors, then verify the worksheet is working.
9. Save the worksheet.
10. Exit EXCEL
11. Restart EXCEL.
12. Try step (4) again to confirm it still works and is set to point to the one in the "C:/SMF add-in" folder.
13. Try reopening the workbook saved in step (9) to make sure it no longer has a location problem.
14. If everything is working, I'd remove the add-in folder within the "Program Files" folder.

Unfortunately, if "Program Files" *is* the problem, steps (7) thru (9) would need to be run on each workbook that was saved with the add-in in the "Program Files" location. Not immediately. Just on an "as needed" basis. I have the smfFixLinks macro assigned to a button on my toolbar because I use it often enough that I want it easily available.

As for your shortcut key issue, I'm assuming you're using a rather old version of the add-in? It got lost in an update a while back. You can either:

1. Reassign the shortcut key
2. Assign the smfUpdateDownloadTable macro to a button on your toolbar (mine is)
3. Use the context menu (right mouse click) and choose the option from the "SMF" sub-menu

On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 7:25 PM, futants46and2@... [smf_addin] <> wrote:

Randy, I am trying to figure this out and have only been perplexed by inconsistencies I've run into:
Each instance of excel I open I need to go into add-ins and manually uncheck, and then check the SMF add-in, and that is even after I moved the folder to "program files>microsoft 14>xlstart"
One spreadsheet that I have been running RCHgetelement single entries loads fine, however a different spreadsheet that I've been running arrayed "RCHgetelement" with the "modgetelementnumber" macro returns "#name" and when I do get it to fire it gets stuck on the first array. SMF fix links doesnt work either it fires a compile error "aData(i1, 1) =" SMF "updatedownloadtable"-sample works fine, but the shortcut (alt+ctl+J) doesn't work, I need to manually go into VB and fire both parts of the macro  "modgetelementnumber" and then SMF "update download table".

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