Kamis, 23 Februari 2017

RE: [ExcelVBA] VLookup error


From David S


Hi Paul


I simplified the offending statement ...


  Dim xx As Variant
  xx = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(EquipmStart, List_EquipCert, 2, False)

(i.e. took off the hyperlink item)


I get the 1004 error.


Now, it's going to be because of List_EquipCert.  That is a String value of "=LookupLists!$F$3:$G$25".  So your VLookUp effectively is


  xx = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(EquipmStart, "=LookupLists!$F$3:$G$25", 2, False)


i.e. it's trying to search inside that string, rather than using it as a lookup range.  But it can't, so it fails.


Unfortunately, you have two variant variables defined List_EquipCert and EquipmStart.  Unless what you're expecting to see really is variant in nature (i,e, one thing sometimes and something else other times) then it's not good to use Variant, as it hides problems.


  List_EquipCert = Range("List_EquipCert").Name


returns the name of the range to the variable - i.e. it is a string.  But VLookUp needs a Range in that parameter position.  So, changing the Dim to


  Dim List_EquipCert As Range


would immediately tell you that you have a problem there,


Now there are two approaches to getting rid of this problem:


1)  make List_EquipCert a Range variable and put a range reference in it, or

2)  change the VLookUp parameters so that the second parameter is converted to a Range from a String.


(2) is illogical, as you'd be converting from range to string and back to range, so use (1),


  Dim List_EquipCert As Range

  Set List_EquipCert = Range("List_EquipCert")


(Note that you'd do the Set outside the loops, as it only needs to be done once.)


  xx = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(EquipmStart, List_EquipCert, 2, False)


and xx now contains "G:\1. Breakthrough\2. Operations\ASBESTOS WORKS\5 - Asbestos Plant\Asbestos Plant Testing\2016\DOP TEST NPU 16630.pdf"


so we're halfway there.




  FilePath = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(EquipmStart, List_EquipCert, 2, False).Hyperlink


will now fail with a 424 error because the return from the VLookUp is a string, not an object, so can't have a hyperlink attribute.


I think you're pretty stuck with this.  VLookUp returns a string, not an object, and that's that.


Not sure why you were looking for the hyperlink attribute from those cells, but you'll simply need to make sure that the cells text values contain what you want.  Otherwise, you'll need to do the lookup a different way. 




So your sub becomes (with the PrintFile line commented out)


Sub PrintEquipmentCertificates()


'Check the equipment boxes, if filled in, print the test certificate for that piece of equipment.
'Note that test certificates that are updated may not be reflected in here. The locations may have to be updated.
'Start value on range EquipmStart


    Dim i, j As Integer
    Dim FileLoc As String
    Dim EquipmStart As String
    Dim List_EquipCert As Range
    Dim FilePath As String
    'On Error GoTo Err1:


    Set List_EquipCert = Range("List_EquipCert")


    '3 x 3 table, loop through the whole table, if cell is not empty, look up the certificate and print.
    For i = 0 To 2
        For j = 0 To 2
            EquipmStart = Range("EquipmStart").Offset(i, j).Value
            'List_EquipCert = Range("List_EquipCert").Name
            If EquipmStart <> "" Then
                FilePath = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(EquipmStart, List_EquipCert, 2, False)
                'Call PrintFile(FilePath)
                Call WaitTime
            End If
        Next j
    Next i




End Sub

Regards, Dave S


PS  I'll archive your file for a couple of days, then delete it, just in case you have further problems.


From: ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com [mailto:ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Thursday, 23 February 2017 1:29 PM
To: ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [ExcelVBA] VLookup error



Hi Dave, unable to clean it up sufficiently to anonimise it, and still maintain functionality. Happy to privately send it to you and possibly others that may ask.


If not suitable, I will send to a moderator for upload.



From: ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com <ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com> on behalf of 'David Smart' smartware.consulting@gmail.com [ExcelVBA] <ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: 23 February 2017 10:08
To: ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [ExcelVBA] VLookup error



Can you upload your file to the files area of the group?  I think this one is a bit complex to speculate from just the code.

Regards, Dave S

----- Original Message -----

Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2017 9:27 AM

Subject: [ExcelVBA] VLookup error


Hi all, I have been stumped for the last two days. A simple VLookup function in VBA, with lists that should work, yet error after error - currently error 1004 - Unable to get the Vlookup property of the WorksheetFunction Class - which means the function cannot find a result. Please see if you can point me in the right direction.




3 x 3 table, with the top left cell having a named range as a starting point. Data validation is List only, referring to the left-hand column of my Lookup table (which is a CONCATENATE of different text fields to give a unique value, e.g. =CONCATENATE(C3,", ",D3,", S/N ",E3) = 

"Neg Air, 4000, S/N 16630", formatted as General.

Column 2 of the lookup table contains a Hyperlink to a PDF file location, with a text description for the hyperlink, e.g. G:\1. Company Name\2. Operations\Subcategory\5 - Subcategory Plant\Subcategory Plant Testing\2016\DOP TEST NPU 16630.pdf

A Vlookup in Excel works fine, and gives me the location of the PDF file, so I can print it using another routine.



Sub PrintEquipmentCertificates()


'Check the equipment boxes, if filled in, print the test certificate for that piece of equipment.

'Note that test certificates that are updated may not be reflected in here. The locations may have to be updated.

'Start value on range EquipmStart


    Dim i, j As Integer

    Dim FileLoc As String

    Dim EquipmStart As Variant

    Dim List_EquipCert As Variant

    Dim FilePath As String


    'On Error GoTo Err1:


    '3 x 3 table, loop through the whole table, if cell is not empty, look up the certificate and print.

    For i = 0 To 2

        For j = 0 To 2


            EquipmStart = Range("EquipmStart").Offset(i, j).Value

            List_EquipCert = Range("List_EquipCert").Name

            If EquipmStart <> "" Then


                FilePath = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(EquipmStart, List_EquipCert, 2, False).Value


                Call PrintFile(FilePath)

                Call WaitTime




            End If



        Next j


    Next i









End Sub



It should be noted that the variable "FilePath = Range......Value" gets the Hyperlink description address, not the Hyperlink address itself. Editing the description to show the full path does not work. Changing the Definition Type of variables from String/Range/Address to Variant/Hyperlink does not work.






Posted by: Paul Vermeulen <paul.vermeulen@vulcantech.com.au>
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