Minggu, 11 September 2011

Re: [ExcelVBA] Re: Error and shutdown


Yes having auto scale off helps and making the default chart close to what you need to begin with helps the most. That said, not all the charts are the same some with secondary y-axis on some and nearly all change the scale to fit the data.
I think the worst part is sizing and scaling. Anchoring the upper left and row to a certain point (cell) works well, but I do not seem to be able to anchor the bottom right in the same way. Since there are 4 charts, it seems anything I do to the 2nd and subsequent charts affect scaling in the previous chart(s), even with:With ActiveChart.Parent
    .Placement = xlFreeFloating
End With
Thank you all for your input. Hope everyone is having a good day.

From: noskosteve <noskosteve@yahoo.com>
To: ExcelVBA@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2011 9:52 PM
Subject: [ExcelVBA] Re: Error and shutdown


Whle I don't expect to have this problem, I am curious. Having to fix this in the registryy sounds drastic, but if it must be for a large workbook already in existence, so be it.
Changing all existing charts can be a big job if there are many, though writing a macro to do it ain't so bad.


The KB doesn't say, but what if you create the first chart with the auto-scale off (in Excel as described in the KB), then copy the chart (assuming you want an identical chart, or almost so), then simply change the referenced ranges for the new chart.
If you have several types of charts perhaps you only have to do this for each type and do the copy/modify thing for each addional version for each type.



--- "david braithwaite" wrote:
> Hi david
> It appears that there is a maximum of 512 font types in an excel workbook.
> Microsoft posted this
> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/215573
> The article indicates that the number often grows out of control due to auto-sizing ---
> I have found that if you google the error message you often come up with something useful.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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