Senin, 30 April 2012

Re: [ExcelVBA] VBA stops to run


Dear Flavio, Dear All

Surely code does not 'just stop'.

When there is an error the execution stops in the line with the error and this is highlighted in yellow. 

A dialog box appears with a message describing the error. The clue to the error is in the message.

Flavio - Is this not happening. ?

Derek +++

> From: Gary Morris <>
>To: "" <>
>Sent: Monday, 30 April 2012, 19:00
>Subject: Re: [ExcelVBA] VBA stops to run

>David's about right. All I can see is either permissions or
>there is some code that doesn't work. In my experience, if
>code doesn't finish running it's because there is something
>wrong or not quite right with it. If you rely on recording and
>then modifying macros, the code that Excel creates may not
>do EXACTLY what you intended, or it may do only the
>specific commands you gave while recording. Adding loops
>and conditions is always something to do carefully, and to
>really do it right always make sure you understand the
>generated code (IF you recorded it). It usually takes me a
>while to not only figure out what it's doing, but how to go
>about changing it. If you are NOT recording the macro, it
>might help to try it and get a better idea of how XL thinks
>about it. Given what you have shown, it could be a number
>of things, which is why I would just record a separate macro
>to see what commands it generates.
>For me, it would be worth a try anyway!

>From: David Grugeon <>
>Sent: Monday, April 30, 2012 7:36 AM
>Subject: RE: [ExcelVBA] VBA stops to run

>Possibilities are:
>The workbook is opened as read-only
>You do not have write permissions in the directory holding the workbook
>There is a macro in the workbook which is triggered when you save it
>The workbook is not the active workbook at the time you issue the command
>The code saves the workbook but the next command is defective
>Try stepping through the code and checking what happens then.
>Best Regards
>David Grugeon
>Excel VBA Group Moderator
>-----Original Message-----
>From: [] On Behalf
>Of Flavio
>Sent: Saturday, 28 April 2012 1:00 AM
>Subject: [ExcelVBA] VBA stops to run
>Good morning gentlemen, i need some support..
>I did a code to import the content from some spreadsheets. Those
>spreadsheets that i'm importing has macros. I opened, and imported the data.
>The problem is that after that i need to do one change, save, and close the
>When i try to save the spreadsheet, the codejust stops to work. Just stop.
>I already tried some things, but none of them really worked.
>Detail: I'm working with excel 2010, but saved my spreadsheet in the format
>.xls. The spreadsheets that i'm opening also have this format.
>In the first version that i did, it shown the compatibility checker screen,
>warning me about "significant loss of funcionality". I clicked in continue.
>So after that the code stops, as soon as i execute the instruction
>After that i created a second version from my program, with 3 lines before i
>Application.DisplayAlerts = False
>Application.EnableEvents = False
>ActiveWorkbook.CheckCompatibility = False
>The compatibility checker message was gone, but the code still stops to run,
>in the same line ActiveWorkbook.Save.
>I appreciate any help about. I tried to think in different solutions, but
>right now i dont have a clue why this is happening.
>Regards to all
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