15 New Messages
Digest #2625
Tue May 21, 2013 7:12 am (PDT) . Posted by:
"antonvanas1989" antonvanas1989
Can you help me out please Randy? i am really stuck at this problem.
--- In smf_addin@yahoogroups.com , "antonvanas1989" <antonvanas1989@...> wrote:
> To clarify i use those data/ratios only for historical view of the company. So it is a comparison with historical data/ratios. For the most current ratios i use ADVFN MRQ data and for prices i use Yahoo! Those data/ratios are correct.
> And as graphic (view of price to earnings/dividend) i use prices(low to high) and a line for earnings and dividens. So when dividens are diluted in the price already the graphic is not realistic.
> --- In smf_addin@yahoogroups.com , "antonvanas1989" <antonvanas1989@> wrote:
> >
> > Posted By: rharmelink rharmelink Send Email
> > Fri May 3, 2013 11:40 pm |
> >
> > Yahoo adjusts both for dividends and for splits. I would think you'd want prices adjusted only by splits for your calculations. But that's just an opinion.
> >
> > You could do your own adjustments, only for splits. See:
> >
> > http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/smf_addin/message/14400
> >
> >
> >
> > This was the answer on the other topic i had, sorry i had posted this question by mail and online, my bad.
> >
> > It is true that my sheet can only get 2012 information if it is set to public by advfn. But i use those data to make a graphic, and use those data also for showing the past preformance. So lets say you want toknow the average P/E ratio of Coca Cola of the last 5-10 year. i got them. But if the prices from yahoo! get diluted year by year, there is no real use for those calculations, because they not represent the "orginal" data.
> >
> > My formula's used:
> > Low: =IFERROR(smfPricesBetween(YHTicker;L3;L4;"06");"--")
> > High: =IFERROR(smfPricesBetween(YHTicker;L3;L4;"04");"--")
> > Close: =IFERROR(smfPricesByDates(YHTicker;L4);"0,00")
> > Adj. Close: =IFERROR(RCHGetYahooHistory(YHTicker;YEAR(L3);MONTH(L3);DAY(L3);YEAR(L4);MONTH(L4);DAY(L4);;"C";0);"--")
> >
> > Where L3 = 01-01-2012 and L4 = 12-31-2012
> >
> > So i need the "real" period low/high for the P/E(low/high)
> >
> > Those period prices are for past preformance calculations. So you get a view of the past from the company.
> >
--- In smf_addin@yahoogrou
> To clarify i use those data/ratios only for historical view of the company. So it is a comparison with historical data/ratios. For the most current ratios i use ADVFN MRQ data and for prices i use Yahoo! Those data/ratios are correct.
> And as graphic (view of price to earnings/dividend) i use prices(low to high) and a line for earnings and dividens. So when dividens are diluted in the price already the graphic is not realistic.
> --- In smf_addin@yahoogrou
> >
> > Posted By: rharmelink rharmelink Send Email
> > Fri May 3, 2013 11:40 pm |
> >
> > Yahoo adjusts both for dividends and for splits. I would think you'd want prices adjusted only by splits for your calculations. But that's just an opinion.
> >
> > You could do your own adjustments, only for splits. See:
> >
> > http://finance.
> >
> >
> >
> > This was the answer on the other topic i had, sorry i had posted this question by mail and online, my bad.
> >
> > It is true that my sheet can only get 2012 information if it is set to public by advfn. But i use those data to make a graphic, and use those data also for showing the past preformance. So lets say you want toknow the average P/E ratio of Coca Cola of the last 5-10 year. i got them. But if the prices from yahoo! get diluted year by year, there is no real use for those calculations, because they not represent the "orginal" data.
> >
> > My formula'
> > Low: =IFERROR(smfPricesB
> > High: =IFERROR(smfPricesB
> > Close: =IFERROR(smfPricesB
> > Adj. Close: =IFERROR(RCHGetYaho
> >
> > Where L3 = 01-01-2012 and L4 = 12-31-2012
> >
> > So i need the "real" period low/high for the P/E(low/high)
> >
> > Those period prices are for past preformance calculations. So you get a view of the past from the company.
> >
Tue May 21, 2013 12:55 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
I'm not sure where you're stuck?
On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 7:12 AM, antonvanas1989 <antonvanas1989@yahoo.com >wrote:
> Can you help me out please Randy? i am really stuck at this problem.
On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 7:12 AM, antonvanas1989 <antonvanas1989@
> Can you help me out please Randy? i am really stuck at this problem.
Tue May 21, 2013 9:50 am (PDT) . Posted by:
"Jacob Jose" pepecan47
Hi Randy, thank you very much for your prompt reply.
When I enter:
=smfGetCSVFile("http://financials.morningstar.com/ajax/exportKR2CSV.html?t= "&B1&"&order=desc&dataType=R&period=12&columnYear=10&rounding=3&denominatorView=raw")
I get the Key Ratios spreadsheet.
When I enter
=smfGetCSVFile("http://financials.morningstar.com/ajax/exportKR2CSV.html?t= "&B1&"&order=desc&dataType=R&period=12&columnYear=10&rounding=3&denominatorView=raw&reportType=is")
=smfGetCSVFile("http://financials.morningstar.com/ajax/exportKR2CSV.html?t= "&B1&"&order=desc&dataType=R&period=12&columnYear=10&rounding=3&denominatorView=raw&reportType=bs")
=smfGetCSVFile("http://financials.morningstar.com/ajax/exportKR2CSV.html?t= "&B1&"&order=desc&dataType=R&period=12&columnYear=10&rounding=3&denominatorView=raw&reportType=cf")
I get the same Key Ratios spreadsheet. It seems it is ignoring the reportType parameter.
Is there anything wrong with the way I enter the formula?
Jose L. Jacob
From: Randy Harmelink <rharmelink@gmail.com >
To: smf_addin@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, May 20, 2013 12:39:58 PM
Subject: Re: [smf_addin] Get CSV M* financial data
I don't think there is a reportType for KeyRatios, It's within it's own report.
Your second question is just a 3-string concatenation instead of a 2-string concatenation:
=smfGetCSVFile("http://financials.morningstar.com/ajax/exportKR2CSV.html?t= "&B1&"&order=desc&dataType=R&period=12&columnYear=10&rounding=3&denominatorView=raw")
Or you could just move the ticker parameter to the end:
=smfGetCSVFile("http://financials.morningstar.com/ajax/exportKR2CSV.html?order=desc&dataType=R&period=12&columnYear=10&rounding=3&denominatorView=raw&t= "&B1)
The parameters can be in any order.
On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 7:55 AM, Jacob Jose <pepecan47@yahoo.ca > wrote:
A couple of questions:
>- In the documentation, we have
>"reportType" can be "is", "bs", or "cf" (which statement you want).
>What is the reportType for Key Ratios?
>- I have this formula, it works:
>=smfGetCSVFile("http://financials.morningstar.com/ajax/exportKR2CSV.html?t=%22&B1 )
>and this, it also works:
>=smfGetCSVFile("http://financials.morningstar.com/ajax/exportKR2CSV.html?t=MCD&order=desc&dataType=R&period=12&columnYear=10&rounding=3&denominatorView=raw ")
>This is probably a stupid question, I cannot make the second formula works if I want to have &B1 instead of the hard coded symbol MCD.
When I enter:
I get the Key Ratios spreadsheet.
When I enter
I get the same Key Ratios spreadsheet. It seems it is ignoring the reportType parameter.
Is there anything wrong with the way I enter the formula?
Jose L. Jacob
From: Randy Harmelink <rharmelink@gmail.
To: smf_addin@yahoogrou
Sent: Monday, May 20, 2013 12:39:58 PM
Subject: Re: [smf_addin] Get CSV M* financial data
I don't think there is a reportType for KeyRatios, It's within it's own report.
Your second question is just a 3-string concatenation instead of a 2-string concatenation:
Or you could just move the ticker parameter to the end:
The parameters can be in any order.
On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 7:55 AM, Jacob Jose <pepecan47@yahoo.
A couple of questions:
>- In the documentation, we have
>What is the reportType for Key Ratios?
>- I have this formula, it works:
>and this, it also works:
>This is probably a stupid question, I cannot make the second formula works if I want to have &B1 instead of the hard coded symbol MCD.
Tue May 21, 2013 1:02 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Ahhh. That's because the "exportKR2CSV" routine *is* the Key Ratios
process. The "reportType" parameter doesn't apply to it. Instead, you want
the "ReportProcess4CSV" routine:
See: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/smf_addin/message/19776
On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 9:50 AM, Jacob Jose <pepecan47@yahoo.ca > wrote:
> Hi Randy, thank you very much for your prompt reply.
> When I enter:
> =smfGetCSVFile("
> http://financials.morningstar.com/ajax/exportKR2CSV.html?t= "&B1&"&order=desc&dataType=R&period=12&columnYear=10&rounding=3&denominatorView=raw
> ")
> I get the Key Ratios spreadsheet.
> When I enter
> =smfGetCSVFile("
> http://financials.morningstar.com/ajax/exportKR2CSV.html?t= "&B1&"&order=desc&dataType=R&period=12&columnYear=10&rounding=3&denominatorView=raw&reportType=is
> ")
> or
> =smfGetCSVFile("
> http://financials.morningstar.com/ajax/exportKR2CSV.html?t= "&B1&"&order=desc&dataType=R&period=12&columnYear=10&rounding=3&denominatorView=raw&reportType=bs
> ")
> or
> =smfGetCSVFile("
> http://financials.morningstar.com/ajax/exportKR2CSV.html?t= "&B1&"&order=desc&dataType=R&period=12&columnYear=10&rounding=3&denominatorView=raw&reportType=cf
> ")
> I get the same Key Ratios spreadsheet. It seems it is ignoring the
> reportType parameter.
> Is there anything wrong with the way I enter the formula?
process. The "reportType&qu
the "ReportProcess
See: http://finance.
On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 9:50 AM, Jacob Jose <pepecan47@yahoo.
> Hi Randy, thank you very much for your prompt reply.
> When I enter:
> =smfGetCSVFile(
> http://financials.
> ")
> I get the Key Ratios spreadsheet.
> When I enter
> =smfGetCSVFile(
> http://financials.
> ")
> or
> =smfGetCSVFile(
> http://financials.
> ")
> or
> =smfGetCSVFile(
> http://financials.
> ")
> I get the same Key Ratios spreadsheet. It seems it is ignoring the
> reportType parameter.
> Is there anything wrong with the way I enter the formula?
Tue May 21, 2013 4:40 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Jacob Jose" pepecan47
Randy, thank you very much.
Jose L. Jacob
From: Randy Harmelink <rharmelink@gmail.com >
To: smf_addin@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2013 4:02:34 PM
Subject: Re: [smf_addin] Get CSV M* financial data
Ahhh. That's because the "exportKR2CSV" routine *is* the Key Ratios process. The "reportType" parameter doesn't apply to it. Instead, you want the "ReportProcess4CSV" routine:
=smfGetCSVFile("http://financials.morningstar.com/ajax/ReportProcess4CSV.html?t= "&A1&"&reportType=is&period=12&dataType=A&order=asc&columnYear=10&rounding=3&denominatorView=raw")
See: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/smf_addin/message/19776
On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 9:50 AM, Jacob Jose <pepecan47@yahoo.ca > wrote:
>Hi Randy, thank you very much for your prompt reply.
>When I enter:
>=smfGetCSVFile("http://financials.morningstar.com/ajax/exportKR2CSV.html?t=%22&B1&%22&order=desc&dataType=R&period=12&columnYear=10&rounding=3&denominatorView=raw ")
>I get the Key Ratios spreadsheet.
>When I enter
>=smfGetCSVFile("http://financials.morningstar.com/ajax/exportKR2CSV.html?t=%22&B1&%22&order=desc&dataType=R&period=12&columnYear=10&rounding=3&denominatorView=raw&reportType=is ")
>=smfGetCSVFile("http://financials.morningstar.com/ajax/exportKR2CSV.html?t=%22&B1&%22&order=desc&dataType=R&period=12&columnYear=10&rounding=3&denominatorView=raw&reportType=bs ")
>=smfGetCSVFile("http://financials.morningstar.com/ajax/exportKR2CSV.html?t=%22&B1&%22&order=desc&dataType=R&period=12&columnYear=10&rounding=3&denominatorView=raw&reportType=cf ")
>I get the same Key Ratios spreadsheet. It seems it is ignoring the reportType parameter.
>Is there anything wrong with the way I enter the formula?
Jose L. Jacob
From: Randy Harmelink <rharmelink@gmail.
To: smf_addin@yahoogrou
Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2013 4:02:34 PM
Subject: Re: [smf_addin] Get CSV M* financial data
Ahhh. That's because the "exportKR2CSV&
See: http://finance.
On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 9:50 AM, Jacob Jose <pepecan47@yahoo.
>Hi Randy, thank you very much for your prompt reply.
>When I enter:
>I get the Key Ratios spreadsheet.
>When I enter
>I get the same Key Ratios spreadsheet. It seems it is ignoring the reportType parameter.
>Is there anything wrong with the way I enter the formula?
Tue May 21, 2013 10:22 am (PDT) . Posted by:
"zbgb952" zbgb952
I take that back. Zacks.com stopped working for me again today. I just get a blank page when I try to go to their website and I get 'error' in my spreadsheets.
--- In smf_addin@yahoogroups.com , "zbgb952" <mb0329@...> wrote:
> For some reason..it all worked today..weird
> some times the best thing to do is nothing and give it time
> --- In smf_addin@yahoogroups.com , Randy Harmelink <rharmelink@> wrote:
> >
> > You could try Ctrl+F5 (reload ignoring any cache).
> >
> > Or clearing cache and Zacks cookies?
> >
> > On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 11:38 PM, zbgb952 <mb0329@> wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > I clicked on you link and got the same thing...a blank page. When i try to
> > > open the source..that page also opens blank (white) with nothing in it. I
> > > only get this for zacks and it started last nite.
> > >
> >
--- In smf_addin@yahoogrou
> For some reason..it all worked today..weird
> some times the best thing to do is nothing and give it time
> --- In smf_addin@yahoogrou
> >
> > You could try Ctrl+F5 (reload ignoring any cache).
> >
> > Or clearing cache and Zacks cookies?
> >
> > On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 11:38 PM, zbgb952 <mb0329@> wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > I clicked on you link and got the same thing...a blank page. When i try to
> > > open the source..that page also opens blank (white) with nothing in it. I
> > > only get this for zacks and it started last nite.
> > >
> >
Tue May 21, 2013 1:03 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
When it works, are you doing a large number of requests? Is Zacks
"throttling" you for some reason?
On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 10:22 AM, zbgb952 <mb0329@msn.com> wrote:
> I take that back. Zacks.com stopped working for me again today. I just get
> a blank page when I try to go to their website and I get 'error' in my
> spreadsheets.
On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 10:22 AM, zbgb952 <mb0329@msn.com> wrote:
> I take that back. Zacks.com stopped working for me again today. I just get
> a blank page when I try to go to their website and I get 'error&#
> spreadsheets.
Tue May 21, 2013 2:10 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Reilly Chandler" reillychandler
I am trying to download the SMF for Mac and add it to my solver in excel, but I am having an issue with it. I went to add SMF in solver, but it would not add it and said something about visual basic. Is there a different way you are supposed to download the file for Mac, as I could not find a programs folder in the C drive to move the files to.
Reilly Chandler
I am trying to download the SMF for Mac and add it to my solver in excel, but I am having an issue with it. I went to add SMF in solver, but it would not add it and said something about visual basic. Is there a different way you are supposed to download the file for Mac, as I could not find a programs folder in the C drive to move the files to.
Reilly Chandler
Tue May 21, 2013 2:13 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
The SMF add-in can't be used on the Mac unless you run a Windows
environment, because it uses some Windows DLL files.
I don't know what the "Solver" is.
On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 2:05 PM, Reilly Chandler
<reillychandler@yahoo.com >wrote:
> I am trying to download the SMF for Mac and add it to my solver in excel,
> but I am having an issue with it. I went to add SMF in solver, but it would
> not add it and said something about visual basic. Is there a different way
> you are supposed to download the file for Mac, as I could not find a
> programs folder in the C drive to move the files to.
environment, because it uses some Windows DLL files.
I don't know what the "Solver" is.
On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 2:05 PM, Reilly Chandler
> I am trying to download the SMF for Mac and add it to my solver in excel,
> but I am having an issue with it. I went to add SMF in solver, but it would
> not add it and said something about visual basic. Is there a different way
> you are supposed to download the file for Mac, as I could not find a
> programs folder in the C drive to move the files to.
Tue May 21, 2013 2:58 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"sheydon" sheydon
Thanks for your response Randy.
I'm not exactly sure what the CSV file is. What I meant was I went onto Yahoo Finance and pulled up the detail on one of my stocks - let's say PRAA, and the information there for the 52 week high ($151.51) was different than what was pulling over into my spreadsheet using the RCHGetYahooQuote function ($127.78).
Just now, I used your link and substituted MMM with PRAA and received a the same (incorrect) value of $127.78.
So, I'm still left wondering, what can / should I do to pull the current 52 week high information for my stocks?
By the way, this isn't just a problem I'm having with on stock (PRAA) it's for many - which is how I noticed there was a problem. I'm showing over 25% of my portfolio exceeding the 52 week high. In this ongoing up market, it makes sense there are new highs being established, but somehow the current 52 week high information isn't pulling across.
Thanks again for your help in helping me solve this!!
--- In smf_addin@yahoogroups.com , Randy Harmelink <rharmelink@...> wrote:
> When you say you've checked the information on Yahoo, do you mean you
> looked at the web pages or the CSV file itself? The two can be different.
> We've seen it in the past.
> For example, a quick look at the CSV file for ticker MMM in FireFox would
> be:
> view-source:
> http://download.finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=MMM&f=sl1jk&e=.csv
> On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 8:50 PM, sheydon <
> scott.heydon.tu97@...> wrote:
> >
> > I've installed the latest version, I'm running Google Chrome under Excel
> > 2007.
> >
> > My recent problem is I have my spreadsheet looking up the 52 week high and
> > low using a RCHGetYahooQuote table ("j" and "k" codes top row). This seems
> > to work fine for some stocks, but lately other stocks the information is
> > out of date.
> >
> > I've checked the information on Yahoo directly and it's current - so it
> > appears my setup is either not pulling in the current data, or it's pulling
> > from a different source. Other potentially helpful information:
> >
> > 1) The current stock prices seem to be pulling in just fine - also part of
> > the same table.
> > 2) My Internet settings are setup to pull a fresh version of the webpage,
> > not just from the cache
> > 3) I have utilized the SMFForceCalculation macro - which updates other
> > data like the current market price
> >
> > All of this and some stocks just don't seem to be having their 52 week
> > high / low pulled in.
> >
> > Any thoughts?
> >
I'm not exactly sure what the CSV file is. What I meant was I went onto Yahoo Finance and pulled up the detail on one of my stocks - let's say PRAA, and the information there for the 52 week high ($151.51) was different than what was pulling over into my spreadsheet using the RCHGetYahooQuote function ($127.78).
Just now, I used your link and substituted MMM with PRAA and received a the same (incorrect) value of $127.78.
So, I'm still left wondering, what can / should I do to pull the current 52 week high information for my stocks?
By the way, this isn't just a problem I'm having with on stock (PRAA) it's for many - which is how I noticed there was a problem. I'm showing over 25% of my portfolio exceeding the 52 week high. In this ongoing up market, it makes sense there are new highs being established, but somehow the current 52 week high information isn't pulling across.
Thanks again for your help in helping me solve this!!
--- In smf_addin@yahoogrou
> When you say you've checked the information on Yahoo, do you mean you
> looked at the web pages or the CSV file itself? The two can be different.
> We've seen it in the past.
> For example, a quick look at the CSV file for ticker MMM in FireFox would
> be:
> view-source:
> http://download.
> On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 8:50 PM, sheydon <
> scott.heydon.
> >
> > I've installed the latest version, I'm running Google Chrome under Excel
> > 2007.
> >
> > My recent problem is I have my spreadsheet looking up the 52 week high and
> > low using a RCHGetYahooQuote table ("j" and "k" codes top row). This seems
> > to work fine for some stocks, but lately other stocks the information is
> > out of date.
> >
> > I've checked the information on Yahoo directly and it's current - so it
> > appears my setup is either not pulling in the current data, or it's pulling
> > from a different source. Other potentially helpful information:
> >
> > 1) The current stock prices seem to be pulling in just fine - also part of
> > the same table.
> > 2) My Internet settings are setup to pull a fresh version of the webpage,
> > not just from the cache
> > 3) I have utilized the SMFForceCalculation macro - which updates other
> > data like the current market price
> >
> > All of this and some stocks just don't seem to be having their 52 week
> > high / low pulled in.
> >
> > Any thoughts?
> >
Tue May 21, 2013 5:49 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
I see two solutions:
1. You need to work with Yahoo to find out why their current quotes
interface (i.e. the CSV file) doesn't have the correct data on it.
Unfortunately, this is a Yahoo problem, so only they can fix it.
2. Get the data one by one for each stock, by pulling it off the web
page. This will be very slow if you have a lot of stocks.
The advantage of the CSV file is that you can grab numerous items on up to
200 stocks with a single Internet access. The CSV file, or current quotes
interface, is what you get when you click on the "Download"; link on the
quotes page of Yahoo.
You could see if the FinViz file contains what you need -- see the FinViz
entries in the LINKS area of the Yahoo group.
On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 2:58 PM, sheydon <
scott.heydon.tu97@alum.dartmouth.org > wrote:
> I'm not exactly sure what the CSV file is. What I meant was I went onto
> Yahoo Finance and pulled up the detail on one of my stocks - let's say
> PRAA, and the information there for the 52 week high ($151.51) was
> different than what was pulling over into my spreadsheet using the
> RCHGetYahooQuote function ($127.78).
> Just now, I used your link and substituted MMM with PRAA and received a
> the same (incorrect) value of $127.78.
> So, I'm still left wondering, what can / should I do to pull the current
> 52 week high information for my stocks?
> By the way, this isn't just a problem I'm having with on stock (PRAA) it's
> for many - which is how I noticed there was a problem. I'm showing over
> 25% of my portfolio exceeding the 52 week high. In this ongoing up market,
> it makes sense there are new highs being established, but somehow the
> current 52 week high information isn't pulling across.
> Thanks again for your help in helping me solve this!!
1. You need to work with Yahoo to find out why their current quotes
interface (i.e. the CSV file) doesn't have the correct data on it.
Unfortunately, this is a Yahoo problem, so only they can fix it.
2. Get the data one by one for each stock, by pulling it off the web
page. This will be very slow if you have a lot of stocks.
The advantage of the CSV file is that you can grab numerous items on up to
200 stocks with a single Internet access. The CSV file, or current quotes
interface, is what you get when you click on the "Download"
quotes page of Yahoo.
You could see if the FinViz file contains what you need -- see the FinViz
entries in the LINKS area of the Yahoo group.
On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 2:58 PM, sheydon <
> I'm not exactly sure what the CSV file is. What I meant was I went onto
> Yahoo Finance and pulled up the detail on one of my stocks - let's say
> PRAA, and the information there for the 52 week high ($151.51) was
> different than what was pulling over into my spreadsheet using the
> RCHGetYahooQuote function ($127.78).
> Just now, I used your link and substituted MMM with PRAA and received a
> the same (incorrect) value of $127.78.
> So, I'm still left wondering, what can / should I do to pull the current
> 52 week high information for my stocks?
> By the way, this isn't just a problem I'm having with on stock (PRAA) it's
> for many - which is how I noticed there was a problem. I'm showing over
> 25% of my portfolio exceeding the 52 week high. In this ongoing up market,
> it makes sense there are new highs being established, but somehow the
> current 52 week high information isn't pulling across.
> Thanks again for your help in helping me solve this!!
Tue May 21, 2013 8:14 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Darryl Brizan" mrpgdvb
The MSN site returns the correct 52 week high of 151.51 using element #34
On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 5:49 PM, Randy Harmelink <rharmelink@gmail.com >wrote:
> **
> I see two solutions:
> 1. You need to work with Yahoo to find out why their current quotes
> interface (i.e. the CSV file) doesn't have the correct data on it.
> Unfortunately, this is a Yahoo problem, so only they can fix it.
> 2. Get the data one by one for each stock, by pulling it off the web
> page. This will be very slow if you have a lot of stocks.
> The advantage of the CSV file is that you can grab numerous items on up to
> 200 stocks with a single Internet access. The CSV file, or current quotes
> interface, is what you get when you click on the "Download"; link on the
> quotes page of Yahoo.
> You could see if the FinViz file contains what you need -- see the FinViz
> entries in the LINKS area of the Yahoo group.
> On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 2:58 PM, sheydon <
> scott.heydon.tu97@alum.dartmouth.org > wrote:
>> I'm not exactly sure what the CSV file is. What I meant was I went onto
>> Yahoo Finance and pulled up the detail on one of my stocks - let's say
>> PRAA, and the information there for the 52 week high ($151.51) was
>> different than what was pulling over into my spreadsheet using the
>> RCHGetYahooQuote function ($127.78).
>> Just now, I used your link and substituted MMM with PRAA and received a
>> the same (incorrect) value of $127.78.
>> So, I'm still left wondering, what can / should I do to pull the current
>> 52 week high information for my stocks?
>> By the way, this isn't just a problem I'm having with on stock (PRAA)
>> it's for many - which is how I noticed there was a problem. I'm showing
>> over 25% of my portfolio exceeding the 52 week high. In this ongoing up
>> market, it makes sense there are new highs being established, but somehow
>> the current 52 week high information isn't pulling across.
>> Thanks again for your help in helping me solve this!!
Darryl V. Brizan
7938 St John Cres
Prince George BC. V2N 4H7
res 250-964-6621 cel 250-961-5208
wk 250-562-1977 fax 250-562-1967
wk email: dbrizan@lmengineering.bc.ca
The MSN site returns the correct 52 week high of 151.51 using element #34
On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 5:49 PM, Randy Harmelink <rharmelink@gmail.
> **
> I see two solutions:
> 1. You need to work with Yahoo to find out why their current quotes
> interface (i.e. the CSV file) doesn't have the correct data on it.
> Unfortunately, this is a Yahoo problem, so only they can fix it.
> 2. Get the data one by one for each stock, by pulling it off the web
> page. This will be very slow if you have a lot of stocks.
> The advantage of the CSV file is that you can grab numerous items on up to
> 200 stocks with a single Internet access. The CSV file, or current quotes
> interface, is what you get when you click on the "Download"
> quotes page of Yahoo.
> You could see if the FinViz file contains what you need -- see the FinViz
> entries in the LINKS area of the Yahoo group.
> On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 2:58 PM, sheydon <
> scott.heydon.
>> I'm not exactly sure what the CSV file is. What I meant was I went onto
>> Yahoo Finance and pulled up the detail on one of my stocks - let's say
>> PRAA, and the information there for the 52 week high ($151.51) was
>> different than what was pulling over into my spreadsheet using the
>> RCHGetYahooQuote function ($127.78).
>> Just now, I used your link and substituted MMM with PRAA and received a
>> the same (incorrect) value of $127.78.
>> So, I'm still left wondering, what can / should I do to pull the current
>> 52 week high information for my stocks?
>> By the way, this isn't just a problem I'm having with on stock (PRAA)
>> it's for many - which is how I noticed there was a problem. I'm showing
>> over 25% of my portfolio exceeding the 52 week high. In this ongoing up
>> market, it makes sense there are new highs being established, but somehow
>> the current 52 week high information isn't pulling across.
>> Thanks again for your help in helping me solve this!!
Darryl V. Brizan
7938 St John Cres
Prince George BC. V2N 4H7
res 250-964-6621 cel 250-961-5208
wk 250-562-1977 fax 250-562-1967
wk email: dbrizan@lmengineeri
Tue May 21, 2013 8:47 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
That's one of the ways to get it slowly...
On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 8:14 PM, Darryl Brizan <darrylbrizan@gmail.com >wrote:
> The MSN site returns the correct 52 week high of 151.51 using element
> #34 RCHGetElementNumber(PRAA,34)
On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 8:14 PM, Darryl Brizan <darrylbrizan@
> The MSN site returns the correct 52 week high of 151.51 using element
> #34 RCHGetElementNumber
Tue May 21, 2013 10:48 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"sma11dragon" sma11dragon
Hi Randy,
I got a quick question. I recently found out that there's no value in the Net Income when using =RCHGetElementNumber(TICKER,range) when the range is 5597-5600. This range corresponds to the Net Income for 2008-2011. Other years are fine and advfn website is showing these numbers. Do you know what's happening?
I got a quick question. I recently found out that there's no value in the Net Income when using =RCHGetElementNumbe
Tue May 21, 2013 10:58 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
I just tried the template with ticker MMM and those element numbers came
through fine. What ticker were you using?
On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 10:47 PM, sma11dragon <sma11dragon@yahoo.com > wrote:
> I got a quick question. I recently found out that there's no value in the
> Net Income when using =RCHGetElementNumber(TICKER,range) when the range is
> 5597-5600. This range corresponds to the Net Income for 2008-2011. Other
> years are fine and advfn website is showing these numbers. Do you know
> what's happening?
through fine. What ticker were you using?
On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 10:47 PM, sma11dragon <sma11dragon@
> I got a quick question. I recently found out that there's no value in the
> Net Income when using =RCHGetElementNumbe
> 5597-5600. This range corresponds to the Net Income for 2008-2011. Other
> years are fine and advfn website is showing these numbers. Do you know
> what's happening?
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