Kamis, 23 Februari 2012

Re: [ExcelVBA] 2010 Crash


Thanks Lisa,

I have just landed on codecage for the first itme. It looks like there is a
bunch of good info, and I have found your sticky. I'll check it out and
report back if I have any problems. Thanks heaps for your efforts.


On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 12:43 PM, <1z@compuserve.com> wrote:

> **
> PMJI...
> This may be off base but....
> You may want to have a look at a save routine I wrote some time ago. It's
> part of a download from the codecage web site. It's an application
> independent backup that increments a number at the end of the filename. It
> looks in a folder and picks up all the files with the same root name as the
> current one and checks the numbers on the end. It adds one to the highest
> and does a save as. Then it does a save as with the root file name so the
> latest is always the same name so you can shortcut to it, but there is an
> extra copy with an incremented number saved where you want. It will
> optionally make an entry in a database as well.
> It's part of a large add in that is sticky on the codecage, but if you
> like I can chop it out and post it in the files section for download.
> Let me know if you want more info. As I said, I wanted it to be
> application independent so it's possible to use in word/excel and so on.
> Lisa
> Sent: Wed, Feb 22, 2012 4:52 am
> Subject: RE: [ExcelVBA] 2010 Crash
> Really clever, Adrian.
> A good refinement would be as follows:
> 1. Having now saved as a new filename, the old filename must be
> sed again to save with else you lose that. So repeat your save-as code
> ut this time without the random number addition. Or does your
> aveCopyAs already account for that?
> 2. How about making it a sequential number instead of random? You
> an have the code
> a. Remember the last number used and increment by one
> b. Find the number using FIND("EDR/",filename) to get position, add
> , and use MID(result, length of random string) and increment by 1.
> c. Use an inputbox after your messagebox to have the user enter a
> -digit text value, e.g."0001" and use that as the number.
> Regards
> Paul
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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