Senin, 19 Maret 2012

[ExcelVBA] Re: Help Needed in Regular Expression Pattern


Thanks - I'm trying to replace any group of multiple quotes, as in your example with any single character to replace the group.
So, like this:


--- In, Gary Morris <gwmorris@...> wrote:
> I can't determine what it is you are after. You say that you are
> trying to replace"all multiple occurrences of single quotes", so
> does that mean like a cell entry like: '''''''too many quotes'''''''?
> And then, what are you replacing the group of quotes with?
> Double quotes? Are you wanting to consolidate them to just
> one quote, as in the above: 'too many quotes' would then be
> the result? Without enough information, not many people can
> or will even try to help. Maybe you could post an example
> with before and after or something...
> G.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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