11 Messages
Digest #2977
Re: RCHGetElementNumber 1 is missing from MSN Financial Highlights?? by "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Sat Feb 22, 2014 5:21 am (PST) . Posted by:
Hi Randy,
re: update files
You were right, I did not have to delete the old files. The update was very easy. Thanks for telling how to do it.
Have a great weekend.
re: update files
You were right, I did not have to delete the old files. The update was very easy. Thanks for telling how to do it.
Have a great weekend.
Sat Feb 22, 2014 7:04 am (PST) . Posted by:
Is it possible to use GetYahooHistory to get the data directly into a variant/string array? And if so, what would the VBA code look like?
Is it possible to use GetYahooHistory to get the data directly into a variant/string array? And if so, what would the VBA code look like?
Sat Feb 22, 2014 7:13 am (PST) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
See this recent message, and the thread it is part of:
On Sat, Feb 22, 2014 at 8:04 AM, <don@cemero.com> wrote:
> Is it possible to use GetYahooHistory to get the data directly into a
> variant/string array? And if so, what would the VBA code look like?
On Sat, Feb 22, 2014 at 8:04 AM, <don@cemero.com> wrote:
> Is it possible to use GetYahooHistory to get the data directly into a
> variant/string array? And if so, what would the VBA code look like?
Sat Feb 22, 2014 10:59 am (PST) . Posted by:
Hi Randy,
Pls take a look at MSN ->Financial Highlights webpage
MSN -> Financial Highlights
I think you accidentally, or intentionally omitted the "Dividend Yield" located between the Dividend rate and payout ratio, from your "RCHGetElementNumber() Element Definitions as of 2014-01-30"
41 S MSN Financial Highlights -- Return on Equity
42 S MSN Financial Highlights -- Debt/Equity Ratio
43 S MSN Financial Highlights -- Revenue/Share
44 S MSN Financial Highlights -- Earnings/Share
45 S MSN Financial Highlights -- Book Value/Share
46 S MSN Financial Highlights -- Dividend Rate
Dividend Yield is supposed to go here.
47 S MSN Financial Highlights -- Payout Ratio
Dividend yield goes right after the "Dividend Rate".
Since you do so much for everyone, I thought it would be nice someone helped you once in a great while. I hope this notice is helpful to you for future updates.
Take Care.
Pls take a look at MSN ->Financial Highlights webpage
MSN -> Financial Highlights
I think you accidentally, or intentionally omitted the "Dividend Yield" located between the Dividend rate and payout ratio, from your "RCHGetElement
41 S MSN Financial Highlights -- Return on Equity
42 S MSN Financial Highlights -- Debt/Equity Ratio
43 S MSN Financial Highlights -- Revenue/Share
44 S MSN Financial Highlights -- Earnings/Share
45 S MSN Financial Highlights -- Book Value/Share
46 S MSN Financial Highlights -- Dividend Rate
Dividend Yield is supposed to go here.
47 S MSN Financial Highlights -- Payout Ratio
Dividend yield goes right after the "Dividend Rate".
Since you do so much for everyone, I thought it would be nice someone helped you once in a great while. I hope this notice is helpful to you for future updates.
Take Care.
Sat Feb 22, 2014 3:22 pm (PST) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
When I defined the MSN elements, many years ago, I defined what I found on
the stock print page. Either that wasn't there, or I missed it. MSN has
redone their web pages nearly once a year since I started, so a lot of data
items have been added and deleted from the print page.
Either they originally missed having it on the print page, or I missed it,
when I created the elements...
I probably should revisit that page and see what things are not defined.
On Sat, Feb 22, 2014 at 11:59 AM, <rr76012@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Pls take a look at MSN ->Financial Highlights webpage
> http://investing.money.msn.com/investments/financial-results/?symbol=aep
> MSN -> Financial Highlights
> I think you accidentally, or intentionally omitted the "Dividend Yield"
> located between the Dividend rate and payout ratio, from your
> "RCHGetElementNumber() Element Definitions as of 2014-01-30"
> 41 S MSN Financial Highlights -- Return on Equity
> 42 S MSN Financial Highlights -- Debt/Equity Ratio
> 43 S MSN Financial Highlights -- Revenue/Share
> 44 S MSN Financial Highlights -- Earnings/Share
> 45 S MSN Financial Highlights -- Book Value/Share
> 46 S MSN Financial Highlights -- Dividend Rate
> Dividend Yield is supposed to go here.
> 47 S MSN Financial Highlights -- Payout Ratio
> Dividend yield goes right after the "Dividend Rate".
> Since you do so much for everyone, I thought it would be nice someone
> helped you once in a great while. I hope this notice is helpful to you for
> future updates.
the stock print page. Either that wasn't there, or I missed it. MSN has
redone their web pages nearly once a year since I started, so a lot of data
items have been added and deleted from the print page.
Either they originally missed having it on the print page, or I missed it,
when I created the elements...
I probably should revisit that page and see what things are not defined.
On Sat, Feb 22, 2014 at 11:59 AM, <rr76012@yahoo.
> Pls take a look at MSN ->Financial Highlights webpage
> http://investing.
> MSN -> Financial Highlights
> I think you accidentally, or intentionally omitted the "Dividend Yield"
> located between the Dividend rate and payout ratio, from your
> "RCHGetElement
> 41 S MSN Financial Highlights -- Return on Equity
> 42 S MSN Financial Highlights -- Debt/Equity Ratio
> 43 S MSN Financial Highlights -- Revenue/Share
> 44 S MSN Financial Highlights -- Earnings/Share
> 45 S MSN Financial Highlights -- Book Value/Share
> 46 S MSN Financial Highlights -- Dividend Rate
> Dividend Yield is supposed to go here.
> 47 S MSN Financial Highlights -- Payout Ratio
> Dividend yield goes right after the "Dividend Rate".
> Since you do so much for everyone, I thought it would be nice someone
> helped you once in a great while. I hope this notice is helpful to you for
> future updates.
Sat Feb 22, 2014 2:32 pm (PST) . Posted by:
As suggested in the "Location Errors" I tried the "find and replace all" 'C:\User Name\Application data\Microsoft\AddIns\RCH_Stock_Market_Functions.xla'! on the SMF-Template-RCHGetYahooQuotes but received an error message that microsoft could not find data to replace...
This template works fine with Excel 2002 (XP) on my Vista PC but not with Excel 2007. Thanks.
As suggested in the "Location Errors" I tried the "find and replace all" 'C:\
This template works fine with Excel 2002 (XP) on my Vista PC but not with Excel 2007. Thanks.
Sat Feb 22, 2014 3:27 pm (PST) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
That location string was just as example. You'd need to look in your
worksheet cells and see if a location is hard-coded on your formulas.
Note that the smfFixLinks macro is now part of the add-in, so you could try
that. But some templates are protected, so you'd need to turn off the
protection first.
The macro actually uses a wildcard character in it's "Find and Replace":
I use EXCEL 2007 under Vista myself, so I doubt either of those are the
You could check your add-in installation by running this in each version of
On Sat, Feb 22, 2014 at 3:32 PM, <marshall17043@yahoo.com> wrote:
> As suggested in the "Location Errors" I tried the "find and replace all"
> 'C:\User Name\Application
> data\Microsoft\AddIns\RCH_Stock_Market_Functions.xla'! on the
> SMF-Template-RCHGetYahooQuotes but received an error message that microsoft
> could not find data to replace...
> This template works fine with Excel 2002 (XP) on my Vista PC but not with
> Excel 2007. Thanks.
worksheet cells and see if a location is hard-coded on your formulas.
Note that the smfFixLinks macro is now part of the add-in, so you could try
that. But some templates are protected, so you'd need to turn off the
protection first.
The macro actually uses a wildcard character in it's "Find and Replace"
I use EXCEL 2007 under Vista myself, so I doubt either of those are the
You could check your add-in installation by running this in each version of
On Sat, Feb 22, 2014 at 3:32 PM, <marshall17043@
> As suggested in the "Location Errors" I tried the "find and replace all"
> 'C:\
> data\Microsoft&
> SMF-Template-
> could not find data to replace...
> This template works fine with Excel 2002 (XP) on my Vista PC but not with
> Excel 2007. Thanks.
Sat Feb 22, 2014 3:28 pm (PST) . Posted by:
Hello, I love this tool and forum. Thank you for creating, hosting and maintaining it all. Quick question
Is there some way to view the calculations taking place to derive the results when using element #'s 150001 - 150014? (As described in "smf-elements-0")
Is there some way to view the calculations taking place to derive the results when using element #'s 150001 - 150014? (As described in "smf-elements-
Sat Feb 22, 2014 4:14 pm (PST) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
You'd have to actually look at the VBA code. They are in the
RCHSpecialExtraction() function within the modGetElementNumber module. For
Case "Rule #1 MOS Price"
n1 = RCHGetElementNumber(pTicker, 99) ' 5-Year High P/E
n2 = RCHGetElementNumber(pTicker, 102) ' 5-Year Low P/E
n3 = RCHGetElementNumber(pTicker, 44) ' Current EPS
n4 = RCHGetElementNumber(pTicker, 442) ' 5-Year Projected
Growth Rate
If n1 > 50 Then n1 = 50
n5 = FV(n4, 10, 0, -n3)
n6 = PV(0.15, 10, 0, -n5 * (n1 + n2) / 2) / 2
RCHSpecialExtraction = n6
On Sat, Feb 22, 2014 at 3:38 PM, <eszoke1@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Is there some way to view the calculations taking place to derive the
> results when using element #'s 150001 - 150014? (As described in
> "smf-elements-0")
Case "Rule #1 MOS Price"
n1 = RCHGetElementNumber
n2 = RCHGetElementNumber
n3 = RCHGetElementNumber
n4 = RCHGetElementNumber
Growth Rate
If n1 > 50 Then n1 = 50
n5 = FV(n4, 10, 0, -n3)
n6 = PV(0.15, 10, 0, -n5 * (n1 + n2) / 2) / 2
On Sat, Feb 22, 2014 at 3:38 PM, <eszoke1@yahoo.
> Is there some way to view the calculations taking place to derive the
> results when using element #'s 150001 - 150014? (As described in
> "smf-elements-
Sat Feb 22, 2014 6:17 pm (PST) . Posted by:
Appreciate the quick response.
In this example, shouldn't n4 actually pulling element # 443? I may be missing something, but doesn't the element definitions worksheet say 442 is the 4 year earnings growth rate? Or is 443 the number you need for the FV formula? Hope my question makes sense...
In this example, shouldn'
Sat Feb 22, 2014 9:16 pm (PST) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
Element #443 is the "12 P/E" (whatever that is -- P/E for TTM?). Element
#442 is the "Next 5 Years" growth rate.
However, looking at the search terms of the element definition makes me
suspect that MSN had modified the web page layout quite a bit since I first
defined the element. It's amazing it still works right. I may have to go
over that MSN print page and make sure everything is still defined OK.
Case "Rule #1 MOS Price"
n1 = RCHGetElementNumber(pTicker, 99) ' 5-Year High P/E
n2 = RCHGetElementNumber(pTicker, 102) ' 5-Year Low P/E
n3 = RCHGetElementNumber(pTicker, 44) ' Current EPS
n4 = RCHGetElementNumber(pTicker, 442) ' 5-Year Projected
Growth Rate
If n1 > 50 Then n1 = 50
n5 = FV(n4, 10, 0, -n3)
n6 = PV(0.15, 10, 0, -n5 * (n1 + n2) / 2) / 2
RCHSpecialExtraction = n6
Basically, n5 is what the future value of EPS would be, assuming 10 years
of growth at the estimated 5-year growth rate.
Then, n6:
-- Computes what the price should be based on that estimate of EPS and the
average P/E ratio over the past 5 years (original formula uses 10 years,
but that statistic is not available easily)
-- Gets the present value of that price assuming a desired 15% CAGR over a
10-year period
-- Divides that result in half to get a 50% margin of safety (MOS)
All smoke and mirrors for something that doesn't have a stable P/E and a
stable growth rate...
Most stocks that will look good will have a combination of a historically
low TTM P/E and a growth rate at or above the 15% CAGR assumption. If the
TTM P/E is more than the average P/E and the estimated growth rate is under
15%, forget about it.
For example, if I set the high and low P/E ratios to the current P/E and
set the 5-year growth rate equal to 15%, I'll just end up getting a MOS
price that is half of the current price.
On Sat, Feb 22, 2014 at 7:17 PM, <eszoke1@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Appreciate the quick response.
> In this example, shouldn't n4 actually pulling element # 443? I may be
> missing something, but doesn't the element definitions worksheet say 442 is
> the 4 year earnings growth rate? Or is 443 the number you need for the FV
> formula? Hope my question makes sense...
#442 is the "Next 5 Years" growth rate.
However, looking at the search terms of the element definition makes me
suspect that MSN had modified the web page layout quite a bit since I first
defined the element. It's amazing it still works right. I may have to go
over that MSN print page and make sure everything is still defined OK.
Case "Rule #1 MOS Price"
n1 = RCHGetElementNumber
n2 = RCHGetElementNumber
n3 = RCHGetElementNumber
n4 = RCHGetElementNumber
Growth Rate
If n1 > 50 Then n1 = 50
n5 = FV(n4, 10, 0, -n3)
n6 = PV(0.15, 10, 0, -n5 * (n1 + n2) / 2) / 2
Basically, n5 is what the future value of EPS would be, assuming 10 years
of growth at the estimated 5-year growth rate.
Then, n6:
-- Computes what the price should be based on that estimate of EPS and the
average P/E ratio over the past 5 years (original formula uses 10 years,
but that statistic is not available easily)
-- Gets the present value of that price assuming a desired 15% CAGR over a
10-year period
-- Divides that result in half to get a 50% margin of safety (MOS)
All smoke and mirrors for something that doesn't have a stable P/E and a
stable growth rate...
Most stocks that will look good will have a combination of a historically
low TTM P/E and a growth rate at or above the 15% CAGR assumption. If the
TTM P/E is more than the average P/E and the estimated growth rate is under
15%, forget about it.
For example, if I set the high and low P/E ratios to the current P/E and
set the 5-year growth rate equal to 15%, I'll just end up getting a MOS
price that is half of the current price.
On Sat, Feb 22, 2014 at 7:17 PM, <eszoke1@yahoo.
> Appreciate the quick response.
> In this example, shouldn'
> missing something, but doesn't the element definitions worksheet say 442 is
> the 4 year earnings growth rate? Or is 443 the number you need for the FV
> formula? Hope my question makes sense...
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