5 Messages
Digest #2981
Mon Feb 24, 2014 3:49 pm (PST) . Posted by:
Hi Kermit,
Thanks AAII looks great. I am trying to get a reasonable eps and dividend growth rate to attempt to come up with a reasonable fv. I think AAII website might help.
Kermit does it work with SMF, I think I have most of a very simple spreadsheet working for me with smf getting the future growth rates for eps and dividends.
Kermit, I keep wondering if the forecast eps and dividend growth rate numbers on morningstar and msn are reasonable or not, what do you think?
Kermit thanks for you help. Have a great week. Best wishes with your stock selections.
Thanks AAII looks great. I am trying to get a reasonable eps and dividend growth rate to attempt to come up with a reasonable fv. I think AAII website might help.
Kermit does it work with SMF, I think I have most of a very simple spreadsheet working for me with smf getting the future growth rates for eps and dividends.
Kermit, I keep wondering if the forecast eps and dividend growth rate numbers on morningstar and msn are reasonable or not, what do you think?
Kermit thanks for you help. Have a great week. Best wishes with your stock selections.
Mon Feb 24, 2014 4:50 pm (PST) . Posted by:
"T Shepherd" tonybshepherd
Me again :)
You said: "would an option to export a CSV file be useful?" ABSOLUTELY! This is a tool for Excel users - a CSV file makes perfect sense. First, once downloaded it can be sorted / searched / filtered / whatever using local tools the user is familiar with. Less web site traffic and load, hard to infect with a virus, easy to deal with. One minor suggestion: have a {large?} single file with all material, plus {monthly} incremental files for the last few {6? 12?} months. Users with slow access will thank you.
Caveat: compose with Excel 2003 (or earlier). There are limits {text character length in a cell?} that would keep some current users {ahem} from using files made with later versions.
Also, way back when, you said "I may be able to access the element definitions directly from the web" Absolutely - and if there was a new monthly file, you could fetch it for the user. You might want an option the user can control to check daily / once a week / once a month / only on demand.
You said: ". . . there really aren't version numbers, and the last modified date *is* the release date . . ." Ah - but some find the trail to the current situation useful :) At least for me, keeps me from trying things that have already failed.
You said: "How would you search a web page for all option-related documentation using that column?" Your CSV file idea solves this best, or sortable columns in the table could work, or the codes could be unique strings like "~O", "~Q" or "~Y" so page search would work.
If you're going to "cluster" them like you are now, consider different pages for each group. It's confusing to see something listed multiple times on the same screen. In your current example, make the "Option Functions" link point to a new page - which introduces maintenance headaches. CSV files win :)
You said: "Are you talking about a history paragraph on the Doc page, or within each function documentation page?" Sorry - I wasn't clear. The page "/SMF/Documentation/" would have a line or two in the description of the latest change, and the page (for example) "/SMF/Documentation/3.0-RCHGetYahooQuotes.html" would have a paragraph or so of the history at the bottom.
You said: ". . . since some files can be fairly large . . ." So - can the file sizes be in the CSV file?
Can you tell: I think your CSV file idea is a winner :) HTH - tbs
> From: Randy Harmelink <rharmelink@gmail.com>
>To: smf_addin@yahoogroups.com
>Sent: Monday, February 24, 2014 3:43 PM
>Subject: Re: [smf_addin] Re: Possible SMF Web Site?
>Thanks for the feedback!
>Hmmm. After going through everything you had to say, an idea popped up -- would an option to export a CSV file be useful? Then you could put it into EXCEL easily and manipulate it there. Maybe even as a single CSV file with everything -- add a new column that
indicates if the row is for documentation, a template, or a new item in the
Works-In-Progress directory. Maybe even FAQs, when I start adding those.
>On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 1:14 PM, T Shepherd <tonybshepherd@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> *) Doc link - don't bother with size/date like you're doing. Instead, use release date and version -
>> no need to keep changing. If you tweak a file, note it in the description column: "Updated 2014/02 -
>> grammer, added a hint" or similar. Highlight that change for 2 revisions or so.
>For documentation files, there really aren't version numbers, and the last modified date *is* the release date.
>I'll have to think about change logs and versions on the documentation. I don't update them that often. In fact, some could probably use updates.
>> *) Doc link - have one list. Add a column for "Applies to Options/Quotes/Yahoo" - like "OQY" for 3.0
>> function. Easier to search and maintain.
>I'm not sure how that makes it easier to search for on a web page. How would you search a web page for all option-related documentation using that column?
>The whole point of using the different sections is to allow easier searching within a similar group. Maybe more applicable to the templates, but I'm using a similar worksheet page to generate the web page.
>> *) Doc->function link: add history paragraph at bottom, more complete than 1-liner on the Doc page.
>There's more than a one-liner on the Doc page. I tried to add an example there, to give more context for the function.
>Are you talking about a history paragraph on the Doc page, or within each function documentation page?
>> *) Tem link - same general ideas as Doc.
>As noted, I think the various groupings and sections are even more important here. Same with file size, since some files can be fairly large. I especially wanted the grouping of recently changed files.
>I did add some yellow shading on the dates if it was within 15 days. But that's of my creation of the web page, not the viewing date. I may have to rethink how I want to do that.
>> *) WIP - link - nice :)
>Good. :)
You said: "would an option to export a CSV file be useful?" ABSOLUTELY! This is a tool for Excel users - a CSV file makes perfect sense. First, once downloaded it can be sorted / searched / filtered / whatever using local tools the user is familiar with. Less web site traffic and load, hard to infect with a virus, easy to deal with. One minor suggestion: have a {large?} single file with all material, plus {monthly} incremental files for the last few {6? 12?} months. Users with slow access will thank you.
Caveat: compose with Excel 2003 (or earlier). There are limits {text character length in a cell?} that would keep some current users {ahem} from using files made with later versions.
Also, way back when, you said "I may be able to access the element definitions directly from the web" Absolutely - and if there was a new monthly file, you could fetch it for the user. You might want an option the user can control to check daily / once a week / once a month / only on demand.
You said: ". . . there really aren't version numbers, and the last modified date *is* the release date . . ." Ah - but some find the trail to the current situation useful :) At least for me, keeps me from trying things that have already failed.
You said: "How would you search a web page for all option-related documentation using that column?" Your CSV file idea solves this best, or sortable columns in the table could work, or the codes could be unique strings like "~O"
If you're going to "cluster" them like you are now, consider different pages for each group. It's confusing to see something listed multiple times on the same screen. In your current example, make the "Option Functions" link point to a new page - which introduces maintenance headaches. CSV files win :)
You said: "Are you talking about a history paragraph on the Doc page, or within each function documentation page?" Sorry - I wasn't clear. The page "/SMF/Document
You said: ". . . since some files can be fairly large . . ." So - can the file sizes be in the CSV file?
Can you tell: I think your CSV file idea is a winner :) HTH - tbs
> From: Randy Harmelink <rharmelink@gmail.
>To: smf_addin@yahoogrou
>Sent: Monday, February 24, 2014 3:43 PM
>Subject: Re: [smf_addin] Re: Possible SMF Web Site?
>Thanks for the feedback!
>Hmmm. After going through everything you had to say, an idea popped up -- would an option to export a CSV file be useful? Then you could put it into EXCEL easily and manipulate it there. Maybe even as a single CSV file with everything -- add a new column that
indicates if the row is for documentation, a template, or a new item in the
Works-In-Progress directory. Maybe even FAQs, when I start adding those.
>On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 1:14 PM, T Shepherd <tonybshepherd@
>> *) Doc link - don't bother with size/date like you're doing. Instead, use release date and version -
>> no need to keep changing. If you tweak a file, note it in the description column: "Updated 2014/02 -
>> grammer, added a hint" or similar. Highlight that change for 2 revisions or so.
>For documentation files, there really aren't version numbers, and the last modified date *is* the release date.
>I'll have to think about change logs and versions on the documentation. I don't update them that often. In fact, some could probably use updates.
>> *) Doc link - have one list. Add a column for "Applies to Options/Quotes/
>> function. Easier to search and maintain.
>I'm not sure how that makes it easier to search for on a web page. How would you search a web page for all option-related documentation using that column?
>The whole point of using the different sections is to allow easier searching within a similar group. Maybe more applicable to the templates, but I'm using a similar worksheet page to generate the web page.
>> *) Doc->function link: add history paragraph at bottom, more complete than 1-liner on the Doc page.
>Are you talking about a history paragraph on the Doc page, or within each function documentation page?
>> *) Tem link - same general ideas as Doc.
>As noted, I think the various groupings and sections are even more important here. Same with file size, since some files can be fairly large. I especially wanted the grouping of recently changed files.
>I did add some yellow shading on the dates if it was within 15 days. But that's of my creation of the web page, not the viewing date. I may have to rethink how I want to do that.
>> *) WIP - link - nice :)
>Good. :)
Mon Feb 24, 2014 5:05 pm (PST) . Posted by:
"T Shepherd" tonybshepherd
Nice. One suggestion: dates should be legible. I'd rather see {in quotes} "20140223 15:38 GMT". Easier to read and they sort correctly.
You said: "I had to do some fiddling with commas and quotes . . ." Simple rule 1: if it's not a numeric column, quote with {"}. Simple rule 2: never use double quote {"} in text column.
HTH - tbs
> From: Randy Harmelink <rharmelink@gmail.com>
>To: smf_addin@yahoogroups.com
>Sent: Monday, February 24, 2014 5:15 PM
>Subject: Re: [smf_addin] Re: Possible SMF Web Site?
>I did put a CSV file up. It could either be opened with EXCEL directly, or with SMF:
>I had to do some fiddling with commas and quotes to get both working OK with my version of EXCEL. Hopefully, other versions of EXCEL work OK with it as well.
>The "All-Files" is currently just the files I have online in a few of the folders, so no one get too excited. :)
You said: "I had to do some fiddling with commas and quotes . . ." Simple rule 1: if it's not a numeric column, quote with {"}. Simple rule 2: never use double quote {"} in text column.
HTH - tbs
> From: Randy Harmelink <rharmelink@gmail.
>To: smf_addin@yahoogrou
>Sent: Monday, February 24, 2014 5:15 PM
>Subject: Re: [smf_addin] Re: Possible SMF Web Site?
>I did put a CSV file up. It could either be opened with EXCEL directly, or with SMF:
>I had to do some fiddling with commas and quotes to get both working OK with my version of EXCEL. Hopefully, other versions of EXCEL work OK with it as well.
>The "All-Files&quo
Mon Feb 24, 2014 5:22 pm (PST) . Posted by:
"Randy Harmelink" rharmelink
On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 5:50 PM, T Shepherd <tonybshepherd@yahoo.com> wrote:
> You said: "would an option to export a CSV file be useful?" ABSOLUTELY!
> This is a tool for Excel users - a CSV file makes perfect sense. First,
> once downloaded it can be sorted / searched / filtered / whatever using
> local tools the user is familiar with. Less web site traffic and load, hard
> to infect with a virus, easy to deal with. One minor suggestion: have a
> {large?} single file with all material, plus {monthly} incremental files
> for the last few {6? 12?} months. Users with slow access will thank you.
I don't think the CSV file will get that large. Hmmm.
If it does, it should be trivial to create a "recent" CSV file.
Also, way back when, you said "I may be able to access the element
> definitions directly from the web" Absolutely - and if there was a new
> monthly file, you could fetch it for the user. You might want an option the
> user can control to check daily / once a week / once a month / only on
> demand.
Actually, I was planning to allow the add-in to read the definitions
directly from the Internet. Still in the stages where I'm thinking about
how I want to handle it.
You said: "How would you search a web page for all option-related
> documentation using that column?" Your CSV file idea solves this best, or
> sortable columns in the table could work, or the codes could be unique
> strings like "~O", "~Q" or "~Y" so page search would work.
Might not be a bad column to have on the CSV file. But I don't think I'll
use it on the web pages.
> If you're going to "cluster" them like you are now, consider different
> pages for each group. It's confusing to see something listed multiple times
> on the same screen. In your current example, make the "Option Functions<http://www.ogres-crypt.com/SMF/Documentation/#Option>"
> link point to a new page - which introduces maintenance headaches. CSV
> files win :)
When fully loaded, you won't even realize the function is loaded more than
once on the same page. It will be easier to maintain if they're all on one
page. I have a worksheet generating the web page.
You said: ". . . since some files can be fairly large . . ." So - can the
> file sizes be in the CSV file?
They will be. That may be enough, so that they can be pulled from the web
pages. Let me think about that.
On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 6:05 PM, T Shepherd <tonybshepherd@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Nice. One suggestion: dates should be legible. I'd rather see {in quotes}
> "20140223 15:38 GMT". Easier to read and they sort correctly.
What you should be getting are EXCEL serial date values. You can format
them any way you want. Are you saying you'd rather have text values? That
wouldn't be that hard to do.
You said: "I had to do some fiddling with commas and quotes . . ." Simple
> rule 1: if it's not a numeric column, quote with {"}. Simple rule 2: never
> use double quote {"} in text column.
Rule 2 was the problem. I have examples in my descriptions that need the
double quotes. So I end up with double quotes AND commas within the text
I just did a substitute of all double quotes to be two double quotes, and
put a blank between any double quote and a comma. Those two tricks don't
really hurt anything, and allow both a CSV import into EXCEL, or the use of
the smfGetCSVFile() function. Although the smfGetCSVFile will still have
the extra double quotes. I thought about changing the function to get rid
of them, but that might affect other uses of the function.
I added the ZIP archive and the CSV file to the main page, so they can both
be downloaded from there.
> You said: "would an option to export a CSV file be useful?" ABSOLUTELY!
> This is a tool for Excel users - a CSV file makes perfect sense. First,
> once downloaded it can be sorted / searched / filtered / whatever using
> local tools the user is familiar with. Less web site traffic and load, hard
> to infect with a virus, easy to deal with. One minor suggestion: have a
> {large?} single file with all material, plus {monthly} incremental files
> for the last few {6? 12?} months. Users with slow access will thank you.
I don't think the CSV file will get that large. Hmmm.
If it does, it should be trivial to create a "recent" CSV file.
Also, way back when, you said "I may be able to access the element
> definitions directly from the web" Absolutely - and if there was a new
> monthly file, you could fetch it for the user. You might want an option the
> user can control to check daily / once a week / once a month / only on
> demand.
Actually, I was planning to allow the add-in to read the definitions
directly from the Internet. Still in the stages where I'm thinking about
how I want to handle it.
You said: "How would you search a web page for all option-related
> documentation using that column?" Your CSV file idea solves this best, or
> sortable columns in the table could work, or the codes could be unique
> strings like "~O"
Might not be a bad column to have on the CSV file. But I don't think I'll
use it on the web pages.
> If you're going to "cluster" them like you are now, consider different
> pages for each group. It's confusing to see something listed multiple times
> on the same screen. In your current example, make the "Option Functions<http://www.ogres-
> link point to a new page - which introduces maintenance headaches. CSV
> files win :)
When fully loaded, you won't even realize the function is loaded more than
once on the same page. It will be easier to maintain if they're all on one
page. I have a worksheet generating the web page.
You said: ". . . since some files can be fairly large . . ." So - can the
> file sizes be in the CSV file?
They will be. That may be enough, so that they can be pulled from the web
pages. Let me think about that.
On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 6:05 PM, T Shepherd <tonybshepherd@
> Nice. One suggestion: dates should be legible. I'd rather see {in quotes}
> "20140223 15:38 GMT". Easier to read and they sort correctly.
What you should be getting are EXCEL serial date values. You can format
them any way you want. Are you saying you'd rather have text values? That
wouldn't be that hard to do.
You said: "I had to do some fiddling with commas and quotes . . ." Simple
> rule 1: if it's not a numeric column, quote with {"}. Simple rule 2: never
> use double quote {"} in text column.
Rule 2 was the problem. I have examples in my descriptions that need the
double quotes. So I end up with double quotes AND commas within the text
I just did a substitute of all double quotes to be two double quotes, and
put a blank between any double quote and a comma. Those two tricks don't
really hurt anything, and allow both a CSV import into EXCEL, or the use of
the smfGetCSVFile(
the extra double quotes. I thought about changing the function to get rid
of them, but that might affect other uses of the function.
I added the ZIP archive and the CSV file to the main page, so they can both
be downloaded from there.
Mon Feb 24, 2014 5:53 pm (PST) . Posted by:
"T Shepherd" tonybshepherd
I guess I'm visualizing a web site (not necessarily one page) with:
**) a single CVS file, one row per downloadable file. Columns are: name, size, date, type, description, link.
This file can be downloaded, sorted, filtered and searched. When a desirable row is found the file can be downloaded via the link.
**) a series of CVS files, formatted as above, containing only the changed rows for the period (monthly?)
**) all the other files that are linked to.
CVS files can be rendered in the browser, or presented in an editor (notepad) without importing into Excel. Clear dates help :)
Study the quotes issue carefully. It is simple, but rigorous :)
Valid: xx,"aaa",yy xx,"a'a'a",yy xx,'aaa',yy xx,'a"a"a',yy xx,"""a""a""a""",yy xx,"'""a'""'a'""'",yy
Invalid: xx,"aaa,yy xx,""aaa"",yy and many more.
You may find http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4180 useful.
Think I'm done. Thanks for listening. HTH - tbs
> From: Randy Harmelink <rharmelink@gmail.com>
>To: smf_addin@yahoogroups.com
>Sent: Monday, February 24, 2014 8:22 PM
>Subject: Re: [smf_addin] Re: Possible SMF Web Site?
>On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 5:50 PM, T Shepherd <tonybshepherd@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>You said: "would an option to export a CSV file be useful?" ABSOLUTELY! This is a tool
for Excel users - a CSV file makes perfect sense. First, once downloaded it can be sorted / searched / filtered / whatever using local tools the user is familiar with. Less web site traffic and load, hard to infect
with a virus, easy to deal with. One minor suggestion: have a {large?}
single file with all material, plus {monthly} incremental files for the
last few {6? 12?} months. Users with slow access will thank you.
>I don't think the CSV file will get that large. Hmmm.
>If it does, it should be trivial to create a "recent" CSV file.
>Also, way back when, you said "I may be able to access the element definitions directly from the web"
Absolutely - and if there was a new monthly file, you could fetch it for the user. You might want an option the user can control to
check daily / once a week / once a month / only on demand.
>Actually, I was planning to allow the add-in to read the definitions directly from the Internet. Still in the stages where I'm thinking about how I want to handle it.
>You said: "How would you search a web page for all option-related
documentation using that column?" Your CSV file idea solves this best,
or sortable columns in the table could work, or the codes could be
unique strings like "~O", "~Q" or "~Y" so page search would work.
>Might not be a bad column to have on the CSV file. But I don't think I'll use it on the web pages.
>If you're going to "cluster" them like you are now, consider different
pages for each group. It's confusing to see something listed multiple
times on the same screen. In your current example, make the "Option Functions" link point to a new page - which introduces maintenance headaches. CSV files win :)
>When fully loaded, you won't even realize the function is loaded more than once on the same page. It will be easier to maintain if they're all on one page. I have a worksheet generating the web page.
>You said: ". . . since some files can be fairly large . . ." So - can the file sizes be in the CSV file?
>They will be. That may be enough, so that they can be pulled from the web pages. Let me think about that.
> On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 6:05 PM, T Shepherd <tonybshepherd@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>Nice. One suggestion: dates should be legible. I'd rather see {in quotes} "20140223 15:38 GMT". Easier to read and they sort correctly.
>What you should be getting are EXCEL serial date values. You can format them any way you want. Are you saying you'd rather have text values? That wouldn't be that hard to do.
>You said: "I had to do some fiddling with commas and quotes . . ." Simple rule 1: if it's not a numeric column, quote with {"}. Simple rule 2: never use double quote {"} in text column.
>Rule 2 was the problem. I have examples in my descriptions that need the double quotes. So I end up with double quotes AND commas within the text column.
>I just did a substitute of all double quotes to be two double quotes, and put a blank between any double quote and a comma. Those two tricks don't really hurt anything, and allow both a CSV import into EXCEL, or the use of the smfGetCSVFile() function. Although the smfGetCSVFile will still have the extra double quotes. I thought about changing the function to get rid of them, but that might affect other uses of the function.
>I added the ZIP archive and the CSV file to the main page, so they can both be downloaded from there.
**) a single CVS file, one row per downloadable file. Columns are: name, size, date, type, description, link.
This file can be downloaded, sorted, filtered and searched. When a desirable row is found the file can be downloaded via the link.
**) a series of CVS files, formatted as above, containing only the changed rows for the period (monthly?)
**) all the other files that are linked to.
CVS files can be rendered in the browser, or presented in an editor (notepad) without importing into Excel. Clear dates help :)
Study the quotes issue carefully. It is simple, but rigorous :)
Valid: xx,"aaa"
Invalid: xx,"aaa,
You may find http://tools.
Think I'm done. Thanks for listening. HTH - tbs
> From: Randy Harmelink <rharmelink@gmail.
>To: smf_addin@yahoogrou
>Sent: Monday, February 24, 2014 8:22 PM
>Subject: Re: [smf_addin] Re: Possible SMF Web Site?
>On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 5:50 PM, T Shepherd <tonybshepherd@
>>You said: "would an option to export a CSV file be useful?" ABSOLUTELY! This is a tool
for Excel users - a CSV file makes perfect sense. First, once downloaded it can be sorted / searched / filtered / whatever using local tools the user is familiar with. Less web site traffic and load, hard to infect
with a virus, easy to deal with. One minor suggestion: have a {large?}
single file with all material, plus {monthly} incremental files for the
last few {6? 12?} months. Users with slow access will thank you.
>I don't think the CSV file will get that large. Hmmm.
>If it does, it should be trivial to create a "recent" CSV file.
>Also, way back when, you said "I may be able to access the element definitions directly from the web"
Absolutely - and if there was a new monthly file, you could fetch it for the user. You might want an option the user can control to
check daily / once a week / once a month / only on demand.
>Actually, I was planning to allow the add-in to read the definitions directly from the Internet. Still in the stages where I'm thinking about how I want to handle it.
>You said: "How would you search a web page for all option-related
documentation using that column?" Your CSV file idea solves this best,
or sortable columns in the table could work, or the codes could be
unique strings like "~O"
>Might not be a bad column to have on the CSV file. But I don't think I'll use it on the web pages.
>If you're going to "cluster" them like you are now, consider different
pages for each group. It's confusing to see something listed multiple
times on the same screen. In your current example, make the "Option Functions" link point to a new page - which introduces maintenance headaches. CSV files win :)
>When fully loaded, you won't even realize the function is loaded more than once on the same page. It will be easier to maintain if they're all on one page. I have a worksheet generating the web page.
>You said: ". . . since some files can be fairly large . . ." So - can the file sizes be in the CSV file?
>They will be. That may be enough, so that they can be pulled from the web pages. Let me think about that.
> On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 6:05 PM, T Shepherd <tonybshepherd@
>>Nice. One suggestion: dates should be legible. I'd rather see {in quotes} "20140223 15:38 GMT". Easier to read and they sort correctly.
>What you should be getting are EXCEL serial date values. You can format them any way you want. Are you saying you'd rather have text values? That wouldn't be that hard to do.
>You said: "I had to do some fiddling with commas and quotes . . ." Simple rule 1: if it's not a numeric column, quote with {"}. Simple rule 2: never use double quote {"} in text column.
>Rule 2 was the problem. I have examples in my descriptions that need the double quotes. So I end up with double quotes AND commas within the text column.
>I just did a substitute of all double quotes to be two double quotes, and put a blank between any double quote and a comma. Those two tricks don't really hurt anything, and allow both a CSV import into EXCEL, or the use of the smfGetCSVFile(
>I added the ZIP archive and the CSV file to the main page, so they can both be downloaded from there.
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