Senin, 31 Maret 2014

Re: [ExcelVBA] VBA EnableCalculation Clean Up

  Ahh. Good catch Derek. The top part needs to be changed: Function CalcOff(Condition, Optional WorksheetNameParameter As String) and the For statement: For Each ws In Worksheets If Worksheets(WorksheetNameParameter) = ws.Name Then WorksheetFound = True Exit For Tim -----Original Message----- From: "Derek Turner" <> Sent: Monday, March 31, 2014 12:14pm To: "" <> Subject: Re: [ExcelVBA] VBA EnableCalculation Clean Up The optional parameter should be a String. Test. Derek Turner +++ >________________________________ > From: ""...

Re: [ExcelVBA] VBA EnableCalculation Clean Up

  The optional parameter should be a String. Test.Derek Turner +++ From: "" <> To: Sent: Monday, 31 March 2014, 17:48 Subject: RE: [ExcelVBA] VBA EnableCalculation Clean Up   twlewis64, thank you for taking the time to correct my rudimentary VBA code, what you provided is way beyond my capabilities, but your notes did allow me to follow the modified VBA code.  I'm no sure what I'm missing, but I cannot get any function inputs to work, and VALUE! is the only function return.  Could you please provide an example of the proper syntax...

RE: [ExcelVBA] VBA EnableCalculation Clean Up

  twlewis64, thank you for taking the time to correct my rudimentary VBA code, what you provided is way beyond my capabilities, but your notes did allow me to follow the modified VBA code.  I'm no sure what I'm missing, but I cannot get any function inputs to work, and VALUE! is the only function return.  Could you please provide an example of the proper syntax for the function input? Thanks again! __._,_.___ Reply via web post Reply to sender ...

RE: [ExcelVBA] VBA EnableCalculation Clean Up

  See if this will work for you. Onenote: I renamed your variable "Worksheet" to WorksheetNameParameter in order to avoid any possible glitches. Function CalcOff(Condition, Optional WorksheetNameParameter As Worksheet) If WorksheetNameParameter = "" Then WorksheetNameParameter = ActiveSheet.Name Else 'WorksheetNameParameter was valued, so check that it is a valid name Dim ws As Worksheets Dim WorksheetFound As Boolean: WorksheetFound = False For Each ws In Worksheets If WorksheetNameParameter = ws.Name Then WorksheetFound = True Exit For End If Next ws If WorksheetFound...

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