Rabu, 08 Februari 2012

[smf_addin] Digest Number 2108

Messages In This Digest (7 Messages)



Re: new vervion of smfGetADVFNElement() is not working, but the prev

Posted by: "dkarbayev" dkarbayev@yahoo.com   dkarbayev

Tue Feb 7, 2012 3:52 am (PST)

Great! Thanks. i've just checked and found that i actually used version 2.1.2012.01.30 which i'm gonna change now.

--- In smf_addin@yahoogroups.com, "Randy H" <rharmelink@...> wrote:
> Which new version are you using? 2.1.2012.01.30 used "us", but I changed
> it back to "www" in 2.1.2012.02.02, after AdvFN flip-flopped back. So,
> the "most recent version" should be using "www", not "us".
> You can find out the version you are using with:
> =RCHGetElementNumber("Version")
> On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 9:24 PM, dkarbayev <dkarbayev@...> wrote:
> Hi, Randy!
> Your addin is OUTSTANDING. Thank you for this!
> As far as I understand from the message history, in the most recent
> version of the addin 'www' was changed for 'us' in the
> smfGetADVFNElement() function. But this seems not to be working now
> (last checked on Feb 7 2012).
> I've tried to reinstall the previous version of the addin, and
> smfGetADVFNElement()is still working fine. But this previous version of
> the addin does not contain your last developments and bug fixes. I can
> imagine that you are overloaded with messages of the SMF group, but
> could you have a look at it once again?


Re: RCHGetHTMLTable - big safe dividends

Posted by: "Ron Spruell" hashky@yahoo.com   hashky

Tue Feb 7, 2012 4:03 am (PST)

Randy/Mike -

Thanks for the great tips.  I will look for unique strings near the table, in the future.

I know how to pull up the HTML using "View Source", its just figuring out what a table is HTML.  I use Notepad ++, so it comes up looking like code with paragraphs and all - and in colors.

Ron Spruell

> From: Mike McQuaid <mikemcq802@yahoo.com>
>To: smf_addin@yahoogroups.com
>Sent: Sunday, February 5, 2012 10:41 PM
>Subject: RE: [smf_addin] RCHGetHTMLTable - big safe dividends

>Well, if you can't read HTML at all it's hard to provide
parameters that tell SMF where to look in the HTML to find something - as you've

>But, reading HTML isn't that hard.  Just use your
browser's "View Source" command to see the html source (Firefox and IE just

>Then, use the browser Find command to locate the text you are
interested in retrieving (or just scroll till you see it).  Then, look for
unique text that appears just before that and use that unique text as
the Find string for your RCH parameter.

>In your case, you used "Big Safe Dividends" which happens to
be in the title of the page - which is no where near the table data you actually

>Had you used the string "panel1" instead your iteration count
would have been 1. 

>=RCHGetHTMLTable("http://www.bigsafedividends.com/quadchartie.aspx","panel1",1,"",1 | Reply to group | Reply via web post | Start a New Topic Messages in this topic (3) Recent Activity: * New Members 114 * New Links 1 * New Files 7
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Re: RCHGetHTMLTable - big safe dividends

Posted by: "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink@gmail.com   rharmelink

Tue Feb 7, 2012 5:06 am (PST)

When viewing the source, I usually first find the data I want to extract,
and then start looking for things immediately previous to it that would
make a good search string.

On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 5:03 AM, Ron Spruell <hashky@yahoo.com> wrote:

> I know how to pull up the HTML using "View Source", its just figuring out
> what a table is HTML. I use Notepad ++, so it comes up looking like code
> with paragraphs and all - and in colors.

Stack trace on RCHGetWebData

Posted by: "slewis111" slewis@slewis.co.uk   slewis111

Tue Feb 7, 2012 5:04 am (PST)


When I try to use RCHGetWebData on this URL: http://quote.morningstar.com/fund/f.aspx?t=CH0022476441&region=CHE

... I'm getting a stack trace in the javascript section of the page source instead of the data that appears there when I view the source in a browser.

I'm not sure how to proceed ... is there some diagnostic I should do or resource that I can set?



Re: Stack trace on RCHGetWebData

Posted by: "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink@gmail.com   rharmelink

Tue Feb 7, 2012 5:17 am (PST)

RCHGetWebData() is going to retrieve the raw source code of the web page.
What the browser uses to construct what you see. Much of that can be
JavaScript code.

I sometimes use the smfGetTagContent() function to explore a web page. For
example, if I do something like:


...varying "n" from 1 to 20 (or whatever), I will be shown the source code
of the first 20 tables on the web page. If I change "table" to "tr", I
would see the first 20 table rows on the web page. I can also add search


...varying "n" from 1 to 20 (or whatever, would show me the first 20 table
rows following the search string ">Ticker".

Varying "n" from 1 to 20 is very easy too. Just do something like:

D1: ="http://...."
D2: ="tr"
D3: =">Ticker"
C5: =C4+1
D5: =smfGetTagContent($D$1,$D$2,C5,$D$3)

...and copy C5:D5 downward as you need. Then you can alter cells D2 and D3
as you want to do the various explorations of the web page in cell D1.

On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 3:21 AM, slewis111 <slewis@slewis.co.uk> wrote:

> When I try to use RCHGetWebData on this URL:
> http://quote.morningstar.com/fund/f.aspx?t=CH0022476441&region=CHE
> ... I'm getting a stack trace in the javascript section of the page source
> instead of the data that appears there when I view the source in a browser.
> I'm not sure how to proceed ... is there some diagnostic I should do or
> resource that I can set?

Re: Stack trace on RCHGetWebData

Posted by: "slewis111" slewis@slewis.co.uk   slewis111

Tue Feb 7, 2012 2:33 pm (PST)

Maybe I explained badly. This web page:

As I understand it, any webpage when viewed via a browser, may contain data that I should be able to parse using RCHgetwebdata. When I use this page for example:


I can see the data in my browser, I can read the HTML when I view the page source in my browser, and I can successfully parse it using RCHgetwebdata.

However, when I was trying do the same with this page:


I could see the data in my browser, I could read the HTML when I view the page source in my browser, but I could not parse it using RCHgetwebdata, because (when I inspected the data retrieved by the function) it contained a Stack Dump where the page data should have been.

Interestingly, later today, the function is working... Which makes me wonder: how does the function obtain the page? Does it do so natively? Or does it leverage my default browser? Or does it leverage IE? And if so, what does it do if IE is not installed? The browser I was using this morning was Chrome. I didn't check IE.


Re: Stack trace on RCHGetWebData

Posted by: "Randy Harmelink" rharmelink@gmail.com   rharmelink

Tue Feb 7, 2012 3:26 pm (PST)

The add-in uses the MicroSoft's XMLHTTP DLL to get the source code data for
the web page. It's the same Internet engine that IE uses, which is why
Internet Settings affect how the add-in grabs data. It's also why the
add-in shares the Temporary Internet Files and cookies that IE uses.

On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 3:32 PM, slewis111 <slewis@slewis.co.uk> wrote:

> Maybe I explained badly. This web page:
> As I understand it, any webpage when viewed via a browser, may contain
> data that I should be able to parse using RCHgetwebdata. When I use this
> page for example:
> http://quote.morningstar.com/fund/f.aspx?t=CH0022476508&region=CHE
> I can see the data in my browser, I can read the HTML when I view the page
> source in my browser, and I can successfully parse it using RCHgetwebdata.
> However, when I was trying do the same with this page:
> http://quote.morningstar.com/fund/f.aspx?t=CH0022476441&region=CHE
> I could see the data in my browser, I could read the HTML when I view the
> page source in my browser, but I could not parse it using RCHgetwebdata,
> because (when I inspected the data retrieved by the function) it contained
> a Stack Dump where the page data should have been.
> Interestingly, later today, the function is working... Which makes me
> wonder: how does the function obtain the page? Does it do so natively? Or
> does it leverage my default browser? Or does it leverage IE? And if so,
> what does it do if IE is not installed? The browser I was using this
> morning was Chrome. I didn't check IE.
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